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Saturday, February 25, 2017

Panel shows concern about local social issues

The state of race relations on the Eastern Shore was the topic of a panel discussion during the Democratic Woman’s Club of Worcester County’s monthly meeting on Monday at the Ocean Pines Community Center.

The capacity crowd heard panelists Worcester County NAACP President Roxie Dennis Acholonu, Wicomico County NAACP President Mary Ashanti and Kathy Zieger of Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ) Delmarva, discuss the struggle for racial equality in the region.

SURJ is a national movement organizing white people to fight for racial justice and Salisbury native Zieger told the audience she gained her perspective from her mother, who was the head nurse of a racially segregated floor at Peninsula General Hospital.

“We weren’t color blind,” she said of her family, “but we learned to be accepting.”

Zieger said her mother’s floor handled newborns through geriatrics.



  1. BS they need to realize there is NO white privilege, that is just the new liberal talking point to try and justify their skewed view. Blacks continually try to seperate themselves instead of working towards a common goal. They may not have what their counter parts have, but that is due to them not working for if, they want that handout. They are born into a skewed view, being taught to hate, education is not priority, but being disrespectful, hating and wanting a hand is the norm. They have cried racism so much it has no meaning and people could care less. They need to grow up and join the real world. Get an education, stop the hate and violence, get a job and treat people with respect.

  2. Roxie Dennis Acholonu is also a guidance counselor in Wicomico County schools. As the president of the Worcester NAACP, she mentioned talking to the Worcester County Superintendent about hiring more black teachers but has she (as a Wicomico county employee) spoken with Wicomico County Superintendent since she works in this county as well?

  3. Kathy did a wonderful job representing SURJ Delmarva and witnessing to her own story. Couldn't be more proud of her!

  4. Yamakawa another talking liberal head with fake facts.

  5. Race baiters like these people stirring these meetings is exactly why there is racial tension. They are in fact the racist, performing hate speeches from race Clubs. The only racial justice needed is shutting hate groups like this down once and for all!

  6. Democratic Women's Club. Brrrrrr. Sends a shiver down my spine

  7. Dear Readers,

    Having worked directly with Ms. Dennis and Ms. Ashanti in the school system, I can say without any reservation what so ever that I have found them to be instigators with no foundational core of substance at all. My impression of Ms. Dennis is of an unimpressive, condescending, arrogant and racially biased individual who consistently places her own desires above all else, and will use the race card at every opportunity. It has also been my direct observation that Ms. Ashanti is even worse in this regard. Both are foolhardy in my option, and do an exceptionally grave disservice to race relations in this area.

    To that end, some of the previous commentators hit upon what I believe to be the correct stance regarding race relations: Treat each other fairly, work hard and earn your keep rather than advancing an expectation on those who do just that.



  8. 9:39PM Paladin - "Treat each other fairly, work hard and earn your keep rather than advancing an expectation on those who do just that."
    Don't even bother. Ms. Dennis' agenda can't be furthered by these words. Funny, her arrogance mixed with entitlement is only used to defend her agenda, not the rights and responsibilities of all. Her preconceived notions are accepted as truths by those around her. I have no experience with Ms. Ashanti, but you sure did paint a perfect picture of Ms. Dennis: unimpressive, condescending, and arrogant.

  9. Blogger James Gayl Yamakawa said...
    Kathy did a wonderful job representing SURJ Delmarva and witnessing to her own story. Couldn't be more proud of her!

    February 25, 2017 at 1:55 PM

    Joe this Dumb White Guy Yamakawa for some reason has turned on his own race. He is on board with the uneducated Snow Flake Molly and in my book anyone who turns on their own races is lower than whale crap. He has been trying for a couple of weeks to get the police chief, sheriff and local elected officials to meet with him and admit that cops hate blacks and this is a racist county. I've heard the only person who is on board with Yamakawa and catering to his demands is Councilman Mark Kilmer.

  10. James Gayl Yamakawa said...
    Kathy did a wonderful job representing SURJ Delmarva and witnessing to her own story. Couldn't be more proud of her!

    February 25, 2017 at 1:55 PM

    Hey James Gayl Yamakawa! How does if feel to be a racist, an outcast, a loser and a leech on society with no friends.

  11. Anonymous said...
    Roxie Dennis Acholonu is also a guidance counselor in Wicomico County schools. As the president of the Worcester NAACP, she mentioned talking to the Worcester County Superintendent about hiring more black teachers but has she (as a Wicomico county employee) spoken with Wicomico County Superintendent since she works in this county as well?

    February 25, 2017 at 1:30 PM

    If she is a "guidance counselor" in Wicomico County Public Schools then she needs to be relieved of her duties. She is the typ of person that is indoctrinating our children.

    What would happen if a member of the KKK was a counselor in the public schools and preaching their hate and propaganda a meetings disguised a Democrat or Republican meetings!

  12. Anonymous said...
    Race baiters like these people stirring these meetings is exactly why there is racial tension. They are in fact the racist, performing hate speeches from race Clubs. The only racial justice needed is shutting hate groups like this down once and for all!

    February 25, 2017 at 4:36 PM

    I couldn't have said it better myself. Racial injustice is being committed against white people daily and it's time for this presidency to take a look at that and reverse this racism.

    One way to do it is to lock up people like Molly and James Gayl Yakahomo.

  13. Anonymous said...
    9:39PM Paladin - "Treat each other fairly, work hard and earn your keep rather than advancing an expectation on those who do just that."
    Don't even bother. Ms. Dennis' agenda can't be furthered by these words. Funny, her arrogance mixed with entitlement is only used to defend her agenda, not the rights and responsibilities of all. Her preconceived notions are accepted as truths by those around her. I have no experience with Ms. Ashanti, but you sure did paint a perfect picture of Ms. Dennis: unimpressive, condescending, and arrogant.

    February 25, 2017 at 10:26 PM

    Mary "Ashanti" aka dumb woman with a Sharia name, isn't bright enough to know what arrogance is, but when she attends the regular BOE, City and County Council meetings she embarrasses herself and the races cause with her lack of grammar skills.

  14. Anonymous said...
    Democratic Women's Club. Brrrrrr. Sends a shiver down my spine

    February 25, 2017 at 5:48 PM

    Is there a Republican Women's Club?


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