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Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Oscars Broadcast Least Watched Since 2008

Sunday night's Academy Awards broadcast was one of the least-watched Oscars in history.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, the show averaged 32.9 million viewers, the lowest figure since the dismal 2008 show that pulled an Oscars-low of 31.8 million viewers.

Sunday's broadcast on ABC was marred by a mix-up as to who won Best Picture. Faye Dunaway opened the envelope and revealed that "La La Land" had won, but moments later it was announced that a mistake had been made and the wrong envelope was opened. In reality, "Moonlight" actually won.

According to the Los Angeles Times, however, the show's length of nearly four hours meant that the Best Picture snafu happened after Nielsen had already measured the audience numbers, so it did not count toward the overall figure.



  1. No wonder the need for a controversy!


  2. One would think that when the viewership declined changes would be made.All they had to do was NOT mention politics.Are the powers that be so wealthy and pompous that they don't care about ratings? I haven't heard the final NFL tally for this past season,but it would be interesting to see if they too took a hit.

  3. and we are on day 3 whining about the error. no one cares. move on. we have.
    cbs did a minute by minute play on how the error happened.

  4. It's all fluff and nonsense anyway.

  5. 31.8 million people with nothing better to do with an entire evening. Kinda sad.

  6. I was one of the non viewers. Don't know most of these movies. Don't know most of these actors/ actresses (by name anyway). Couldn't care less.

  7. People didn't watch because they're watching The Walking Dead, it had nothing to do with Trump.

  8. 9:33, there is never a repercussion when celebs take the stage and use it to promote their personal political agenda. The news mags (ET, Hollywood, E, et al) are all there if those in charge of TV cue the music, dim the lights are hit the commercial button when/if a celeb is making a political statement.

    Damned if you do/damned if you don't society right now. If a channel sensors an actor, that actor gets more publicity; if a channel doesn't sensor, same actor, MORE publicity.

    Not watching helps, then when no one watches a SNAFU supposedly happens and yes 9:38, its DAY 3 and we're still talking about it.

    We crave entertainment as a society so it will NEVER go away. As long as we have that craving - celebs will use that to promote their political agenda.

    Its human nature to watch an oddity, then talk about it...that is until the next oddity comes along in 3-2-1....

  9. Those who watched the Oscars will never, ever get those four hours of their lives back.

    1. 10:34. That's stupid. You're NEVER getting anytime back. 🙄

  10. What's "The Oscars"?

  11. I purposely boycotted the Oscars! Looks like about a million more decided to bypass the dumba$$ liberal celebrities too. Stopped seeing their movies too.

    Meryl Creep and her cronies would learn to shut their mouths if we all stopped supporting them by boycotting the industry. They live in a very make believe world created by their own business. In the real world the word "cut" doesn't stop the scenes that real folks live out each and everyday.

  12. Again, the silent majority are sick of the Hollywood elite self-promoting themselves.

  13. I only watch to see what they wear. I don't know who half of them are and have not seen any of the movies.


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