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Tuesday, February 07, 2017

Official asks Texas Rangers to help find lost Brady jersey

AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick is asking the state’s top law enforcement officers to help locate Tom Brady’s missing game jersey, which disappeared from the New England Patriots’ locker room after the Super Bowl.

The Republican said in a statement Monday that Brady’s jersey “was stolen” after the Patriots beat the Atlanta Falcons 34-28 at Houston’s NRG Stadium, and that city police were already investigating.

Patrick said Texas places “a very high value on hospitality and football,” adding: “It is important that history does not record” that Brady’s jersey was stolen in the state.



  1. How is a baseball team going to help?

  2. Really??

    When we have a border crisis?

    Priorities Tom.

  3. When I first saw this headline earlier in the day and before I read the story I was wondering why the heck a football team would ask help from a baseball team that is out of Dallas/FW not Houston. Duh.

  4. Jersey-gate. Really?????

  5. More Important things to worry about these days !!!
    Get a Life !!!!!!!...............

  6. He can AFFORD a new one >> Don't worry !!!

  7. It isn't lost, it was stolen! Sounds like they already know who has it and are toning down the crime so the thief can just return it and get no jail time. Almost sounds like Wicomico county BS.

  8. Has no value now, without paperwork. The thief stole nothing!

  9. Here is Wicomico county the thief will get sentenced to 10 years with all but 6 month suspended. This is real "Fake Sentencing".

  10. What good is it? If they try to sell it, they'll get nabbed. My mom's best friend stole the football - and part of the goalposts from "The Greatest Game" (if you watch original footage, Artie Donovan closelined him as he was trying to get off the field) He could never sell the ball. I ran into Artie a few years back and he remembered the whole story. He wanted to buy the ball. My 'uncle' still has it.
    So, maybe 30 years from now, after statutory time, he might be able to sell it.

  11. Call the FBI / ATF / Homeland Security !!!


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