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Friday, February 10, 2017

NOI 2/9/17 Wicomico Outbuilding Fire N. Pinehurst Ave.


Date:  February 9, 2017
Time:   7:55 p.m.
Location / Address:  504 N. Pinehurst Ave., Salisbury, Wicomico Co.
Type of Incident:  Fire
Description of Structure / Property:  8’ x 10’ wood frame residential outbuilding
Owner / Occupants:  Joe Carmean
Injuries or Deaths:  None
Estimated $ Loss: Structure:  $5,000                      Contents: $1,500
Smoke Alarm Status:  n/a
Fire Alarm / Sprinkler Status:  n/a
Arrests(s):   None
Primary Responding Fire Department:  Salisbury
# of Alarms:   1    # Of Firefighters:  15
Time to Control:  20 minutes
Discovered By:  Neighbor
Area of Origin:   Under Investigation
Preliminary Cause:  Under Investigation
Additional Information:   Anyone with information is asked to call the Salisbury Office of the Maryland State Fire Marshal at (410) 713-3780.


  1. Joe this is your buddy! This is the ex Daily Times liberal nut case Joe Carmean. I wouldn't be a bit surprised if he didn't start it.

  2. I seen on FB where the WICO scanner junkies are live streaming fires. Last night, one of them was at this fire running around the scene "reporting" what was happening. This is very dangerous. These people are not media and could hinder the operations and potentially get harmed themselves. Not making ant accusations, but in the past there have been many firebugs (arsonists) that chase fire scenes and then turn to setting fires to get more action. Just saying.

  3. Just asking, why did it take 15 firemen to put out a shed fire? I'm only curious that's all.

  4. 5:49 are you really that stupid?

  5. Newspaper fires are horrendous, 5:49!

  6. 1 to drive, 1 to operate pump, 2 to man hose and 11 to pat each other on the back and fist bump while taking selfies.

  7. I live just down the street from the fire location and witnessed the entire event.
    So comments are directed to those who just want to make cheap shots.
    The shed was in the back yard of the residence. In fact the shed was in back of another shed, virtually invisible from the street. Access to these sheds is a narrow short one lane gravel driveway with houses immediately adjacent to, and on either side. These structures were in certain danger. Access to the fire was to say the least challenging. Given the very limited access and the extreme wind conditions it would have been very easy for this fire to spread and involve other structures/residences. 60 foot trees above the fire were scorched from the intensity of the fire.
    I appreciate the response and the protection provided by the responders. This could easily had a very different outcome.


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