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Thursday, February 02, 2017

Nestle Moving US Headquarters From California To Virginia

ARLINGTON, Va. (AP) — Chocolate maker Nestle is moving its U.S. headquarters from California to Virginia.

About 750 jobs are associated with the move.

Nestle USA, a subsidiary of Swiss-based Nestle S.A., says it will formally announce the move Wednesday in Rosslyn, Virginia, with Gov. Terry McAuliffe.

Nestle USA is currently based in Glendale, California.

The new headquarters will be in the tallest building in the D.C. region. It has been vacant since its 2013 opening.



  1. What is everyone and everythings going to start to flee California ?

  2. Water prices are probably too high. Nestle is probably one of the largest users of fresh water in the world

  3. Of course, it is a sanctuary city, Police corruption, taxes out of the wazoo, gun control out of the wazoo, They rather work with and help ILLEGAL immigrants, which are ILLEGAL, hence the name ILLEGAL, rather than help their own citizens of the state or USA... They are calling for an exit of the union as well...

    IF that is not bad enough, what else do you need to happen before you would move???

  4. You won't be hearing cheering when they take all your water rights away.

    Of course they are moving, they suck all the water out of a state and move on.

    1. What part of " headquarters " didn't you understand ?
      Only way they are going to take all the water away is if they flush all their toilets at the same time !!!

  5. 1:11 I bet the headquarters makes a lot of chocolate and uses millions of gallons of water. I can see those executives mixing up batch after batch of chocolates in a high rise office building now.....It is hard to believe that some of these comments are actually from adults.

  6. 2:09 2:49

    Have you been to California recently? They don't have the water to flush toilets. They are so loony that if you ask for a glass of water in a restaurant you are looked at like some kind of eco disaster monster.

  7. Nestle doesn't only make chocolate. Some years back they were raked over the coals for promoting their powdered baby formulas in Third World countries as being better than mothers' breast milk.

  8. 3:11 4:41 So what does that have to do with a company moving its executive headquarters to VA? I cannot believe that so many people don't have the capacity to read a simple article and comprehend it.

  9. 5:06
    Because they are moving due to the over regulation and anti corporate government of California

  10. Has nothing to do with water. IT IS THE HEADQUARTERS! Offices with executives and secretaries.

    Nestlé was lured to the area, executives say, by its proximity to lawmakers, regulators and lobbyists — and more than $16 million in state and county subsidies. credit WAPO.

  11. A lot of "headquarters" are attached to working "factories".

    Idiots, that is why you are too stupid to comprehend people's comments.


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