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Tuesday, February 28, 2017

NC church limits married couples to 30 min. of sex and that's not all

SPINDALE, N.C. -- When it comes to relationships, marriage and sex, Word of Faith Fellowship members must follow strict and unusual rules - or risk severe punishment, former members say.

- Congregants need permission from leader Jane Whaley and other ministers to get married, and it then can take months - or even a year - before the newlyweds are allowed to have sex.

- No one is allowed to date without permission, and most relationships and marriages are arranged by Whaley and ministers.

- On their wedding night, couples are permitted only a "godly peck on the cheek." When they get in bed together, they must roll over and go to sleep.



  1. Another glaring example of why organized religion is a complete crock.

  2. Well, this is just crazy. God intended for us to make whoopie to our spouse after we get married. That's why he made marriage, in fact, so we would reproduce and multiply and spread His Word!

    The problem is when people make whoopie out of marriage, or when a man does it with a man or when a women does it with a women, all of which can absolutely cause a lot of problem.

  3. I think my wife goes to that church!


  4. Bet surviving Shakers are eagerly signing up!

  5. Is there a fenestrated sheet, too?

  6. Where is Jim Jones when you need him?

  7. this koolaid is delicious

  8. I am way more devoted to God than these people. I limit myself to 2 minutes.

  9. I went to a church here in Salisbury that was very similar to this. If you didn't do what they told you, you would be humiliated in front of the congregation. They would post you monthly offerings, volunteer you without asking to clean the church, mow the ten plus acres of land surrounding the church at your expense, and assist when need at all weddings and other church functions at your expense! If you spoke out about this, your were called the devil. Instead of a choir they had a "praise team" with a rock band singing non traditional christian rock! Clothing was come as your are. Race mixing was encouraged. I finally had enough in 2005 when the preacher was arrested for having a sexual relationship with a 14 year girl. Before I left, I let them know this church was not a church but a religious cult.

  10. Can I have some ketchup with that dic "tater-tot" talk?

    Do love me some NC bar-be-que, but sure not that much!!!!

  11. Do they have any members?

  12. How many men can last 30 minutes??? 😭😭😭

  13. March 1, 2017 at 7:50 AM:

    You didn't say it, but we ALL know what church you are talking about. I attended the same church for a while, and I noticed that the preacher's son that was arrested for the improper "relationship" with a minor, had no life, as an adult, whatsoever, outside of his contact with the kids. I told my kids that it was strange for an adult not to have any adult relationships and to stay away from him. That was before he was actually outed as a offender. That whole organization was cultish. I saw all that you mentioned in my brief association with that church.

  14. I don't know which church it was. What was the name? Just curious.
    Always trust your gut. If it tells you something is amiss, it usually is. Instincts are there for a reason. They keep us safe.

  15. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    How many men can last 30 minutes??? 😭😭😭

    March 1, 2017 at 8:47 AM

    when i was younger I could last longer than that but now it's like riding a bull. eight minutes and im off

  16. The preacher's son that was mentioned was just having some "Summer Fun" hint, hint.


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