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Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Most Americans believe bathrooms should be linked to biological sex, new poll finds

An overwhelming majority of Americans want people to use the bathrooms, locker rooms and showers that correspond with their biological sex, a new poll finds.

According to a new Crux/Marist survey, Americans — by a 66 to 27 percent margin — do not believe those “transitioning to become the opposite sex” should be allowed to use whichever showers and locker rooms they want. A smaller, but still significant, majority — 56 to 38 percent — feel the same way about public bathroom use.

Sixty-two percent of respondents agreed that employers who object because of religious beliefs “should be protected by freedom of religion to opt out of covering medical procedures that physically change a person’s sex.” Thirty-two percent disagreed.



  1. Keep liberal men out of the little girls room...And keep them from wrestling against our girls as well.

  2. What you were Born Is what you are .....Period !!

  3. That's not true. All the media sources told me that 99% of Americans wanted transsexual bathroom access. Now you're telling me they were wrong?!?

  4. MOST don't really care as long as there is clean seat and TP available!

    IN/OUT quick like!

  5. New poll ? People have always felt this way. If you are born male you are male, if you are born female you are female. Don't care how much you mutilate your body that doesn't change the sex you are born with.

  6. Keep men out of our ladies restrooms! those are our wives and daughters in their with those sick men! Disgusting!


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