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Saturday, February 18, 2017

Maryland Is Not As Blue As You Might Think

Gerrymandering is Discrimination


  1. Is that a map of predominantly black areas or democrats vs republicans districts?

  2. Hard to believe Killery won Maryland by 79%. I wonder how well she would've done if you took our all of the illegal votes and the votes of people on the free ride system system. The blue part of the state is also represents the super high crime areas for maryland. Republicans did not terrorize the public with human roadblocks, riots, smash windows, burn buildings, loot and cut class when Obama won. The millennials, who know who Kim Kardashian is, don't have a clue on what's going on, yet their vote counts as much as someone who knows who Joe Biden is. They are a bunch of violent crybabys. What are they teaching these kids in school. I believe this country is as divided when we had the civil war. When Bill clinton was in office he gave a long speech to congress on cracking down on illegal people entering this country as was given a standing ovation from most all of the congressman. Trust me or look it up. Hillary was given the questions to the presidential debate ahead of time and no big deal to the news media. If someone gave Trump the same questions before the debate democrats would of had him disqualified.

  3. If Maryland had an electoral college system like the federal one, we would have voted for Trump! Too bad the state representatives aren't more conservative as this map would indicate!

  4. As it always has been, 3 counties and 1 city control the whole of Maryland

  5. don't mistake my Md. plate for being a dumbocrat or a libtard, of which I am neither.

  6. Then why does Central MD that is blue control MD These areas always has. Does them voter fraud?


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