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Sunday, February 26, 2017

Many Wonder Why So Many Leave Salisbury After Graduating From SU And Some Stay Behind

I just started a group I encourage anyone who wants to keep up the work to make our town and our country a better safer, freer, more equal place to join "The Salisbury Misfits".

One of her followers wrote: "You're joking about the name, right"?


  1. She needs Yukon Cornelious to come to the rescue

  2. The misfits hope to make Sby a sanctuary city. They all talk a good game but never put their money where their mouths are. They should be 'shining examples' for the world and first open their own homes to needy people showing all how benevolent they are. But they won't do that because they are all nothing but lying hypocrites.

  3. Doesn't this girl work at Delmarva Public radio? She said she did on here and on Facebook. She's an ad copywriter or something along those lines.

  4. Look at this from their Misfit page!

    "James Yamakawa
    2 hrs

    Hey, did anyone get a clear picture of the dude at the rally hanging out near the back with the German Shepherd?"

    Why are they concerning themselves with Mr Adams and his dog. The dog was already threatened by one of THEM on this site!!!!!! Goes to show just what kind of evil people they are by threatening an animal!

    1. trust me they dont want to mess with him.

  5. Is that supposed to be a giant cold sore on her lip? Very attractive. Sure, a group of misfits. At least she isn't supposing she's part of a majority.

  6. Another SU graduate who stayed behind and former Mayor Jim Ireton also came up with, BURY'. Aren't you Liberals so proud! Dumbing down America.

  7. Joe, I can deal with Da Bury, Bury etc. Its a generational thing. I graduated from SU in mid 90's and we called it The Salz. Then again we did not make up bumper stickers and push for it to be the city slogan. Just felt like shortening the name during casual conversations.

  8. Always pondered why Yukon licked his "Ax".

    (snicker snicker...I know it had to do with silver/gold, it was just funny typing it!)

  9. Maybe Salisbury Snowflakes or Molly's Mutants

  10. Molly stayed behind because she was fortunate enough to find a job with Delmarva Public Radio. Not all are so fortunate and have to seek employment elsewhere.

  11. This is a prime example of what our world is coming too. Whether we like it or not, And most of us don't like it. This is our dumbed down college graduates. It is so heart breaking to think that in the future our world will be run by such ignorance. I can't imagine how retarded and stupid our world will be like fifty years from now. When all common sense is gone and the country run by this white trash. It is very sad and disheartening.

  12. Speaking of dumbe down, Molly writes--- "If we spread the world and work hard, we have the chance to become a non-profit and really affect change here on the shore."

    "affect change?" Molly is the perfect example of the dumbed down SU graduate. It's effect change.
    Effect meaning to bring about. Affect change means you want to change change.
    Such the ignoramus or is this just another one of those pesky little "typographical mistakes."

  13. 10:10 talking about grammar issues but spells "dumb" dumbe....

  14. Sad to say it but without that school this place is a stagnant heap

  15. I could list you a dozen reasons for either side.

  16. Appears she is only good for one thing and I do not want to find out if good is the right word to use. Might be the worst experience ever.

  17. Just ignore her and hopefully she will go away.
    She loves the attention.

  18. "Anonymous said...

    10:10 talking about grammar issues but spells "dumb" dumbe....

    February 21, 2017 at 10:45 AM"

    NO I did NOT spell "dumb" "dumbe". FYI I was spelling dumbed and missed a letter. Hardly a grammatical mistake. It was a typo. My brain works faster then my fingers! So I have every right in the world to talk about grammar! Use your head!

  19. Hey 9:50. We don't have to wait for 50 years from now.....Just look and Thilghman, Ireton and Day. They have made Salisbury the laughing stock of the Delmarva peninsula.....And no snickering from the town council.....your just as bad.

  20. You think she's a "flake". You should meet her brother. He's more than a snowflake. He's a full blown blizzard. At least he keeps his mouth shut.

  21. She didn't leave because she still lives at home.

  22. She chose "Misfits" because "Deplorables" was already taken.

  23. She is a nobody.
    Look at that crap on her face, and has that dumb a** look.

  24. Good God! I thought we were done with this stupid BEEotch

  25. Someone needs to do an EP on her for a mandatory three day stay in the psych ward, seriously people she need help

  26. The Misfits was the name of the Go-Go's before they were the Go-Go's


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