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Sunday, February 05, 2017

Local Coffee Houses Have a Gold Opportunity

By Thornton Crowe

With 96M unemployed Americans, Starbucks has put itself in the midst of yet another shakeup...

Today, Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz has stuck his political foot in his mouth once again, causing many to call for a nationwide boycott of the coffee chain. In a sweeping statement out of protest for President Trump moving towards making Americans safe, he has pledged to hire 10K refugees, starting here in the States.

This provocatively uninformed proclamation is as a result of the grossly blown out of proportion reporting of this last weekends travel ban from seven Middle Eastern countries, labeled by the Obama Administration as being hotbeds for ISIS training camps. Keep in mind, in 2011, Obama signed a similar 6-month ban for all persons traveling from Iraq into the US.

Additionally, it seems the Media has once again, failed to report the truth in this situation - a commonality that should leave most unsettled. To see the Executive Order for yourselves, this is the link to the actual document on the White House Website. 

All is not lost as it does contain a silver lining for local coffee shops!

Locally, this could provide fantastic kickback as fed up ex-Starbucks patrons turn away from the retail giant and look to other sources for their morning caffeine fix. Places like Main Roots Coffee and Rise Up Coffee have a wonderful opportunity to satiate the growing need for designer java as it's clear Americans Need Not Apply at Starbucks any longer. Surely, Shore businesses would never turn away people who want to replace the ill-tempered chain with some local flavor!

Furthermore, it also doesn't hurt at all that both coffee houses actually have better coffee and food. So, for all those realtors and business tycoons who love hanging out at the Starbucks by SU, go the extra mile and support local businesses!

In regards to the Liberals weekly hissy, when polled today, it clearly demonstrates 68% of over 26K people support President Trump's immigration ban to keep America safe, while only a mere 27% oppose. Once again, the Media and Democrats take the low road in promoting blatant falsehoods about the President's action, with corporate liberals piling on like flies on cow patties in the summertime.

It's interesting that these Left-Wing protests all stem from anything President Trump does while when the same actions were done by previous presidents, no one said even so much as a word in protest. Guess we can take it as a sign that the continued infantile tantrums that's growing old on Middle America are far from over... that is until Election Day 2018. Maybe then, Democrats will finally get it; their Alinsky antics aren't working out so hot for them!

As for the local haunts, I'll certainly be voting with my dollars and supporting our small business community here in Salisbury!


  1. I certainly don't understand Starbucks. If the CEO is willing to hire 10,000 refugees, then why doesn't he hire 10,000 unemployed American citizens?? Seems like a near-treason action to me.

    1. Because most unemployed Americans think they are to good for that job

  2. Its ridiculous the way these big corporations take our hard earned money for granted. Screw them. It's time to start buying local anyway. Our small business community should thrive now that Trump is President. He's a small business-friendly president we haven't had since Reagan. Forget Starbucks, their foo-foo drinks suck anyway.

  3. Didn't Schultz say he was going to run for president in 2020? Good luck with that one. Let us know how that works out for you.

  4. Is he going to fire Americans if he doesn't have enough open positions? If he had said veterans instead of immigrants, he might have gotten away with this...not now!

    I didn't know what the Starbucks brouhaha was all about until reading this - thanks Joe!

  5. 3:58 - Schultz..."I know nothing!"

  6. The CEO has had a higher paying CEO position offered to him at another company.He might be intentionally destroying his current employer.

  7. It's just a smack in the face of Americans when companies do this crap. Why bother paying them to smack us over and over again? The election is over. Get over it! And that goes to protesters and Facebook whiners, too.

  8. Better yet, go to EVO for a beer at lunch, better than swamp water.

  9. My guess is they will be laying off 10,000 employees.

  10. In case you haven't noticed most people that work at coffee houses are very liberal

  11. so sick of American businesses moving jobs so they can maximize profits. We need jobs here period. If you can make a good profit and hire Americans those are what we need. Ford - move your plants back to the US. Why should they be in Mexico so ford can maximize profits. We need pride in America to come back. The globalist attitude has gotten us no where.

  12. 415 yeah, yeah, yeah... we've all heard that bullshit answer before. Fact is, Starbucks has health insurance and benefits even for part-time workers. They even have profit sharing and a free pound of coffee per week just like the full-timers. I guess you're going to say that about the summer jobs we used to have in OC before the area started hiring the HB-1 workers. Right?

    1. Sounds like a good place to work unfortunately refugees will have all of the benefits. Thanks for sharing keeping us updated on how great it will be for them to work their.

  13. 417 you'd be surprised who's liberal and who's only faking it because they don't want to hear shite from their co-workers. The way our world is right now, unless under cover of anonymity, people don't generally admit they're not liberal.

  14. Didn't they have an employee who admitted to spitting into people's coffee when they gave the name Trump? That was after the election. It was somewhere in Kentucky. Whatever happened with that?

  15. 4:22 - that's exactly how Trump won...
    Everyone is sick of the liberal BS and the whining, nagging, violence, welfare, and entitlism.

    I'm sooo very glad Trump won! I just can't say it very loudly in public!

  16. To the person who just sent in an outrageous religious rand, WTH does that have to do with this article, it was rejected. Your employment with STBUX, (as you stated) is your problem, not ours.

  17. How many unemployed Americans are applying for jobs at Starbucks? Not a damn one.

  18. 519 and you know this how? are you in the HR department at Starbucks? Seem to recall their headquarters is in Seattle, Washington. Are you there? Nice try, libtard.

    1. 5:24. For your information, I do the hiring at a local Starbucks. Know it all Republicunt!!

    2. Yep you are a real winner that I would want representing my company as HR. You are probably a POS to be around. Have a good day libtard.

  19. Dunkin donuts is the only one for me always!

  20. No problem for me. I'm a fan of Wawa coffee.

  21. Seems he (Sgt Schultz) will be filling the majority of those 10K jobs overseas.

    Such a SCHMUCK!

  22. Whatever happened with sex abuse accusations at the karate place? Owner was close to local LEO. That story sure died quickly.

  23. Maybe mr. CEO should start by housing a dozen or so of them in his mansion for starters first and see how well that works out.
    Oh that's right I forgot they all have walls, gates and security cameras all surrounding their homes.


  24. I make better, and cheaper, coffee at home; just not a coffee shop fan so they basically get none of my business already.

    They just posted earnings that disappointed and tried to claim that folks can't served fast enough so some leave without ordering.

    Hiring uneducated (not that current staff are genius), non-English speaking folks from wherever who need several religion breaks per day sounds like a master stroke!

  25. I can tell you a local business with a LOT of employees who frequent Starbucks daily saw this article and have vowed to never go to this establishment again. They will instead go to other local businesses.

    So you see Liberals, two can play this game.

    Will YOU follow in their footsteps?

    1. WAS a Starbucks regular. Not anymore. Will spend my money locally at Rise Up!

  26. I will never go there again.

  27. Joe I would fallow but I like coffee not girly drinks.

  28. McDonald's and Wawa coffees are better anyway

  29. I just went to the Starbucks website to the 'contact us' section and under the 'jobs' section I told them via email of my extreme disgust with the CEO's remark. I informed them that I will never spend another dime on their overpriced coffee and will never purchase anymore gift cards for birthdays or CHRISTMAS. I said that it is disappointing how we have such a huge unemployment rate and Veterans who need a job but he is willing to go on record and slap them in the face by saying he would hire 10,000 of these! Really!? What a non-American schmuck. I also informed him I am telling my whole family and coworkers never to spend another dime in there again. The email said they would respond to my email within 24 hours. Doubt it will make a difference but it will to me.

    Also, 'Grande' should really be a Large. Never understood that reasoning...

  30. Good ole Maxwell house made at home black with a dad of sugar for me .

    Starbucks CEO must be in bed with Soros.

  31. Drove past Starbucks today, doesn't look like this is hurting their business.

  32. I have never been to Starbucks coffee is too expensive, Guess that there is no reason to go there now. i real stupid move by Starbucks. Do they realize they got rich by being in America and not Syria or Mexico.

  33. He may have trouble finding 10,000 refugee willing to WORK. Same problem as most of the under educated in this country.

  34. HR is necessary around here. Hiring Rednecks - HR. It is never ending cycle, they get hired and fired over and over again.

  35. When away from home traveling, if I stop for coffee, it will probably be at a Royal Farms, a Wawa or a McDonalds, but "never" an overpriced Starbucks. Plus their coffee is to strong and bitter.

  36. Starbucks = libtards = Democrats = morons

  37. Obama Crooked BastardoFebruary 5, 2017 at 2:23 PM

    Starbucks = StarSucks! Who the heck would want to buy their Overpriced coffee anyway. Rise Up Coffee is my choice and their employees are very nice providing outstanding service. StarSucks Never Again!

  38. Communist anti-American swill

  39. Can't do Starbucks anyway, too bitter!!


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