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Saturday, February 18, 2017

Kids with ADHD Have Some Smaller Brain Regions than Normal

Children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder have several brain regions that are slightly smaller than usual, more evidence that the disorder should be considered a neurological condition, a new study says.

The study, the largest review of ADHD patients' brain scans ever conducted, might also provide clues for developing new treatments.

"If you know what region of the brain is involved in ADHD, you could possibly target that part with medication," said Martine Hoogman of Radboud University in the Netherlands, the study's lead author.

ADHD causes inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity, although a given person may not show all those traits.

Hoogman and colleagues analyzed MRI scans for more than 3,200 people in nine countries aged four to 63, of whom 1,713 who had ADHD. They found that the brains of children with the condition were slightly smaller in five regions, including those that control emotions, voluntary movement and understanding.

More here


  1. My wife was a former school nurse for a Baltimore area elementary school (AA County). What she learned was that some parents would sign their kids up to be classified as such because they received free money and drugs for treatment. Maryland's Democratic government has been very successful in recruiting more voters this way. She eventually quit.

  2. Very interesting ..my son has ADHD. More studies should be done! Thank you for posting

  3. My teachers said I had ADHD. After meeting with my parents a few times, my father cured it with a belt. Never acted up in class after that.

  4. My father used to say if brains were dynamite I wouldn't have enough to blow my nose.


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