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Wednesday, February 08, 2017

Kellyanne Conway Just Got BAD News – This Isn’t Good…

This is rich. CNN is considering banning Kellyanne Conway because of credibility issues. This is over her ‘alternative facts’ comment and her ‘Bowling Green massacre’ slip. What a bunch of hypocrites. First off, on the ‘alternative facts’, I think she was providing political coverage for Sean Spicer. Not great, but hardly ban-worthy. As for the ‘Bowling Green massacre’ snafu, she misspoke and CNN knows it. They want to ban her in retaliation for the Trump administration freezing them out of interviews, etc. Which they deserve frankly, as far as I’m concerned.

These people employ such ‘credible’ sources as Chris Cuomo and Don Lemon. Both lie constantly and they seem fine with that. Wolf Blitzer is decent and Jake Tapper is actually good (most of the time), but come on! Then there is Fareed Zakaria, who is in a whole class of dishonesty by himself. What a joke CNN is. What’s more, I doubt it will bother Kellyanne Conway much either. She considers the source.



  1. Don Lemon - HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA lets get super drunk on New Years Eve (in New Orleans), get your ear tattooed, then continue to report while hammered, senor Race Baiter!

  2. Doubt KellyAnne will be losing any sleep over this. She has more on the ball than the lot of them.

  3. that's ok I have stopped watching cnn

  4. They are only doing this because she gives answers to their questions that they don't like. Her answers make sense. She ALWAYS make the Left commentators look bad!

  5. We don't have to defend Kellyanne, she can take care of herself. CNN had better duck. Incoming!

  6. Who even watches CNN anymore? Fake news with fake Cooper.....i.e Anderson Vanderbilt!!!!! Wolf Blitzer not objective in anything....Don Lemon a Jackson and Sharpton wanna be race baiter fake reporter....no need to go any further.

  7. That is their excuse but the reason they don't want to have her on is that she bitch slaps them every time and calls them out. They are scared of her and they are tired of looking like the Jack Asses that they are. #TRUTH

  8. Brian Williams is still working, Bill Clinton and Lying Hillary still got jobs.

  9. Jake Tapper needs to move to MSNBC. The facial expressions he made during this "interview" with her were enough for me. On the rare occassions I turn on CNN, if he is on, I will NOT watch. Not many left on that network who do true reporting and not commentary.

  10. 2:58 is totally correct now CNN should not be included in nothing. Then they will compete with the other liberal commentators on MSNBC. Neither one is a news channel. They are commentators for George Soros and his "Shadow Government".


  11. CNN is worthless on a good day, and it's been a long time since they had a good day.

    Ms. Conway's time is better spent off that channel. She is a wonderful advocate so if they 'ban' her it's their loss not hers!

  12. do people still watch CNN? I don't think so. Kellyanne will do just fine.

  13. Kelly Ann has more actively-firing neurons than the entire staff at the Clinton News Network! CNN is so desperate.


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