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Friday, February 24, 2017

Jesse Jackson Jr gets $138K a year from federal government

Disgraced former Representative Jesse Jackson Jr. is claiming $138,400 a year from the federal government in benefit checks, it has emerged.

The former Democrat politician and son of Reverend Jesse Jackson, 51, was sentenced to 30 months in prison in 2013 for taking $750,000 from his own campaign funds.

Now, details of his benefits package - which he gets for bipolar disorder and depression - have emerged, leaving critics questioning how he is eligible for the money, the Chicago Tribune has reported.



  1. Absurd.
    And $11,000 in expenses for the wife? Doubly absurd.

  2. Hey, I'll be bi-polar and suffer from some depression for those kind of benies!

  3. Who ever granted / authorized this should be fired. He has always been bi-polar that has nothing to do with job related. His depression came from him getting caught after committing a crime and had to do time. This is a total rip off of tax dollars. An elementary child can see right thru this scam.

  4. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
    His dad is a chiseling scammer too.

  5. Look at Charlie Rangel,Al Sharpton not paying taxes and guess what,nothing happens to them part of the swamp draining that needs to happen.

  6. If Trump does something about Sharpton....then and only then will I believe.

  7. Bipolar disorder isn't something that just magically pops up. It just emerges as the life stressors reach its threshold. It's not an acquired condition, but one that stays off the radar until an event or combination of events brings it out. And then, because of the condition, people fail at their jobs, their marriages, etc. It's the tail chasing the dog.

    I don't even want to comment on who approved his huge disability claim, or why.

  8. Well, I am bipolar
    I had no idea you could get that kind money for being crazy. Where do I sign up?

  9. Trump is right , what a mess to clean up and mostly black related , obamie you don't rock.

  10. He is just like his father and Al Sharpton they all know how to milk attention and get anything they want, they should all 3 be removed from this country.


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