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Friday, February 17, 2017

Immigration groups demand freedom for illegal immigrant gang member

Immigration officials said Tuesday they are detaining an illegal immigrant Dreamer because of his gang ties, sparking a new round of protests from immigrant-rights groups who said President Trump is breaking his own promises by trying to deport the young man.

Daniel Ramirez, who was picked up by ICE agents late last week, was granted a temporary deportation amnesty by President Obama under his 2012 policy known as Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA.

But U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) said he’s a “self-admitted gang member.” That puts him in violation of the DACA policy and would have made him a priority for deportation even under President Obama, much less Mr. Trump.

“ICE officers took Mr. Ramirez into custody based on his admitted gang affiliation and risk to public safety,” said agency spokeswoman Rose Richeson.

Immigrant-rights groups have complained about Mr. Ramirez’s arrest, saying it’s the latest evidence that Mr. Trump is trying to make good on his promise to oust illegal immigrants from the country.

“Daniel must be given his freedom, now,” said Greisa Martinez, advocacy director at United We Dream.

More here


  1. Get em OUT > Good Job Trump !!!! keep it coming !!!

  2. hes illegal, what about illegal do people ot understand?

  3. Why are there no gangs devoted to public service?

  4. Let them protest. Film the protests and identify ones that are illegal. Then round them up and deport them. They will quickly become afraid to show their face in public. This is not Obama's protectionist "sanctuary" government anymore!


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