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Thursday, February 23, 2017

Husband posts heartfelt message to wife carrying baby without brain to full term

While in the midst of a heart wrenching situation, one man took to Facebook to post his admiration for his wife who is carrying their daughter to full term, despite the fact that doctors predict the baby won’t survive.

The husband, Royce Young, posted the heartfelt message about his wife Keri who at the time was carrying their daughter named Eva. The couple learned that their daughter would be born without a brain and would not survive much longer after her birth.

While Royce was overcome with emotion when the doctor broke the news, he writes, Keri asked through tears “If I carry her to full term, can we donate her organs?”



  1. Heartbreaker.

    These are two fine people.

  2. The world is blessed to have this wife and husband. We all could learn a lesson from these caring family. If we spent more time on how to help others, it truly would puts silly tales of weathermen, TV stations, opinions of local MSM, in the petty pile of who cares.

  3. It is tough to carry a non viable child to term. I carried twins with one dying at 6 months and delivered both at 36 weeks.

  4. Without a doubt...the strongest people I have known in my lifetime are women.

  5. Why do people feel the need to post this stuff on Facebook. Have a private conversation with your wife and make it between the two of you. This whole Facebook crap is all about "look at me..look at me" or they are trying to "become famous". Every time I see people doing this stuff or going on about how great their life and relationship is, I think "who are you trying to convince? Me...or..,yourself"


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