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Friday, February 10, 2017

How long before Islam and Sharia Law controls the USA?


  1. Now that the Liberal Judges have opened up our boarders, they are pouring in by the hundreds! Flights are packed with them flying in, all with their turbans, bomb vests, pressure cookers, exploding shoes and underwear. Be aprox. 10 years and the US as we knew it will be gone.

  2. Sounds like a good reason to get behind Trump and the travel ban on terrorist countries. Wake up America or we will be a Muslim country before you know it.

  3. Do you really think America will lay down and accept Muslim law, Sharia law? You must not have any faith in the American People. Never going to happen, ever. Wouldn't every one of you fight it?

  4. How long? That would be the 12th day of NEVER!

  5. Thank your government officials. It's probably too late.

  6. This is the legacy of the Bush and Obama Administrations.


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