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Monday, February 13, 2017

House passes bill to ban firearms on college campuses

ANNAPOLIS, Md. — The House of Delegates voted Friday to ban firearms on Maryland college campuses.

Maryland law currently prohibits firearms on K-12 school properties. This bill extends that to include college campuses.

The issue sparked serious and thoughtful debate before delegates passed the measure with an 84-49 vote.

"This is a population that we can directly impact and protect," said Delegate Ben Barnes, D-Anne Arundel and Prince George's counties.

"News flash: people who are breaking laws are not going to respect this law just like they don't respect other laws," House Minority Whip Kathy Szeliga said.



  1. Unreal Why oh why would they let terrorists know this .

  2. Liberals just don't get it do they? All this will do is make good people less safe, lets just wait and see.

  3. thank God. why didn't they think to do this years ago. then we wouldn't have had all these attacks .

  4. There is no crime in Salisbury, so need for guns on campus at SU.

  5. What are we supposed to do about bears?

  6. 4:06...you poor ignorant soul. Evil will prevail now knowing that no law abiding folks will be able to defend themselves. This sets the table for future deadly attacks.

  7. Well I guess now they'll spend 6.5 million on aerobic signs saying
    "no guns allowed"

  8. 406, I hope that was sarcasm. The most idiotic statement in this article is,"This is a population that we can directly impact and protect," said Delegate Ben Barnes, D-Anne Arundel and Prince George's counties. Actually, he would have been absolutely correct if he had been arguing FOR the right to carry on school grounds. But all the sheep hear the words, but cannot understand the sentence.

  9. so after someone goes on a killing spree at a no gun college and kills himself are they going to arrest him

  10. Democrats are making areas gun free zones in hopes of making our youth targets for terrorist. Replacing slain citizens with illegals assures them votes from uneducated voters. Mass shootings from terrorist also justify {in a democrats mind} more bad gun laws stripping law abiding citizens of protection.
    What ever a democrat say's or does, know without doubt the opposite is true.

  11. Liberals are the biggest threat on college campuses.

  12. "It is important to note that in the states that allow open carry, violent crime was 23 percent lower, the murder rate was 5 percent lower, the aggravated assault rate was 23 percent lower and robbery rates were 36 percent lower

  13. Obama Crooked BastardoFebruary 13, 2017 at 7:36 PM

    It shows there are still 84 Crooked Delegates like Democ-rat Barnes, who are willing to endanger the lives of young students, by denying them their right to protect themselves from any potentional violent attacks. So who are these politicians "representing" ??? They just let all the criminals know, there would be no one shooting back, and everyone at campus is a easy prey and sitting duck.

  14. This is a worthless law and total waste of time of the lawmakers. Fact is that virtually no one can legally carry a concealed weapon anywhere in the state so what difference does this law make? It is just another feel good law and another reason the liberals need to be replaced with people that have some common sense.

  15. Its to take away our guns so we cant defend ourselves from muslims.

  16. 8:32 I know plenty of MD residents with permits to carry. You must run in the wrong circles.


  17. Fact is they just placarded the colleges as places where the bad guys won't get any return fire until campus cops show up. Very poor strategic decision. Safe spaces should come in handy!

  18. ever since Chicago implemented its no gun law murders have leveled off at 800 per year


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