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Wednesday, February 15, 2017

GOP Intel Chair: FBI 'Better Have a Good Answer' Why Flynn Was Recorded

Apart from what he said, one GOP lawmaker wants to know how and why Michael Flynn's conversation with a Russian ambassador ever saw the light of day in the first place, The Washington Post reported.

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes, R-Calif., plans to pose that question to the FBI.

"I expect for the FBI to tell me what is going on, and they better have a good answer," Nunes told the Post. "The big problem I see here is that you have an American citizen who had his phone calls recorded."

And then leaked.

More here


  1. Maybe because he was talking to a freaking Russian enemies.

  2. it's against the law.

  3. As opposed to American enemies? Get a clue.

  4. 12:51 PM it seems as though these people on here or any where else for that matter is beyond Stupid... They never want to talk about or argue the point about recording calls is ILLEGAL, hell i'm not sure these clowns even know what ILLEGAL means...

    I do find it funny how, Hilary emails go missing, and the CIA, FBI and NSA have been recording everyone, yet only this gets leaked?

    Stupid is as Stupid does........

  5. First, because we were recording a Russian. Second, now the Russians know we listen to their ambassadors and Lord knows who else.

  6. He should have emailed on a private server lol

  7. Drain the swamp of Muslims, communists and perverts. The other half left can begin actually obeying the law as they do their real job which was to protect this country and uphold the constitution, not promote some fake news agenda to eliminate political enemies.

  8. there are 4 of the worlds best hackers working on taking Trump down and they are winning.


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