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Sunday, February 05, 2017

Good or Bad Idea?


  1. She sure would be easier on the eyes.

  2. I would start watching the SCOTUS channel. She's one good looking judge. Great shape

  3. I like her ...a lot. But, she's been in entertainment too long., not practicing law...
    At this point, she lacks qualifications.

  4. So you would replace Ginsberg with a pretty woman? And for no other reason? Damn...what is wrong with some people. She is not my favorite..but seriously?

  5. once u reach the age of 125, u should be forced to retire

  6. Far too emotional.Really smart but far too much drama.

  7. Almost anything would be better than Ginsberg who thinks other country laws should be referenced when making U.S. constitutional decisions.

  8. I'm on board with her.

  9. Are you confused? Ginsburg is not dead in that photo, only sleeping on the job. The good Judge Jeanine could be too old by the time Ginsburg is carried out.

    But for the question, first thing came to mind was "hell yes".

    For you nay Sayers...the judge is tough and we need that for recovery.

  10. 10:43. Get a grip. She's eye candy. Did you really think I'm serious? She's a very smart and beautiful woman. Great face for television. No, I don't think she would be a good choice for SCOTUS
    NAPOLITANO would be.

  11. If she vetted ok I would yes,who ever it is I hope it someone young.

  12. Maybe they shouldn't be appointed for life! Maybe they should have to retire at 70 or 75.

  13. She is too divisive to be a good Supreme court justice but ANYONE is better than Ginsberg.

  14. The constitution is written in plain English and is 48 pages long. Of coarse Jeannine could do the job. As a matter of fact for those of us who have read the constitution find it very simple to interpret. One only has to be brilliant to find something in there that isn't there like John Roberts did on Obama care and the liberals find on gun control when it isn't there.

  15. Definitely need to have an age limit.

  16. Judge Jeanine is 65 and is in damn great shape in my opinion. I'm sure that she would be around for a very long time if placed on SCOTUS.

  17. My hope is that Pres. Trump gets to replace 4 Judges on this court.

  18. I think Justice Ginsburg needs to be replaced but not by Judge Jeanine Pirro.

  19. She's far prettier than any of the other people in the Supreme Court.


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