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Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Friday, 2/17 was Random Acts of Kindness Day In Salisbury


  1. Talk about a media hog....Sheriff Lewis can't hold a candle to FAKE DAY!!!!

  2. How did I know after reading the title and while watching the nicely done video, I knew some sad, pathetic person would have something negative to say. So boringly predictable and the very first comment! So Eastern Shore.

    As far as the video on its own - nice job andn nicely done. More people should do this or some form of this on a weekly basis.

  3. RISE UP coffee who owns this BLM ?

  4. Wow.

    There is such a thing as a "Kindness Expert"?
    And the Mayor needed her assistance in how to be kind?

  5. Glad to see some happy news for a change. Thanks for sharing.

  6. What connection does fake day have with rise up coffee ? $$

  7. 5:44 PM you can chip in my share of the taxpayer funds used to make these ridiculous videos, where he promotes his friends businesses.

    total waste of my money so that he can social media himself every day.

  8. Maybe he should spend his time doing some real work, like bringing jobs in to the ghetto. Or would that ruin their ability to get grants for hud housing?

    1. They dont want to work until Trump takes all there S..T away lol.


  9. Guess it's not much of a photo op to visit the older man who was assaulted, referred to as Subject Down. That would have cost nothing.

  10. 5:44
    As far as the video on its own - nice job and nicely done. More people should do this or some form of this on a weekly basis.

    Many of us do just that on a daily basis without the publicity.

    Just how does this curb problems such as crime, etc.?

  11. How about jakey boy visit the old man in the hospital that was almost killed by thig POS.?

  12. It is not a RANDOM ACT OF KINDNESS, if you have to be videoed while doing so, it completely takes the meaning away from what you are trying to do... All it shows is how you need and want photo op's... Look at what I can do, look at what I can do, but only on camera, off camera, best bet I wouldn't do this for anyone!!!!

  13. Not going to save Jake. I have to say I am never voting for this guy again. Sorry jake you are a media whore just like the other little man Mikey.


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