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Sunday, February 19, 2017

For Those Who Missed It!

The President's briefing meeting with America!


  1. How, and I really mean, HOW can any true American not back up and support our President? EVERYTHING he says is right on point. I love how the beautiful, classy 1st Lady came out and read the Lords Prayer. I love how the President skips the MSM and goes directly to the people to deliver his message. Everyone needs to watch this.

    God Bless President Trump and God Bless America!

  2. Blasting off ill crafted false statements is not comendable. Are you folks really this dim witted. This is not about your political stance. Its about your ability to think logically and hold elected officials accountable to the truth.

    1. Your right we are so lucky clinton lost. After obamas 8 years of racist hateful divisions. Trump is the best answer. You are totally correct. My uncle just got hired for the pipe line contract. #awesome

  3. Were I to vote again in the 2016 November presidential election, it would again be for Trump, rather than for the criminal who, with her cronies around the globe, has been casing the joint (America and the World) for decades. We did the right thing.

  4. Clinton Global foundation closing down after her loss speaks for itself... we were real close to becoming the next Germany France Sweden. Now President Trump is getting people work and pushing his tax plan. Im pleased

  5. I watched his rally in Florida. I am behind Trump but wish he would stick to the point and not ad lib so much. found it interesting that he invited that guy out of the crowd to get up on the stage; a real effort to reach out to the folks BUT I am sure the secret service went nuts. He needs to remember this is no longer the campaign.

    1. It was a rally for the people... President Trump already had a detailed press conference. Do you understand it's kinda like his entire platform? So your saying you want him to be the opposite after winning?

  6. The man has a very active stream of consciousness. What comes out is not always what seems relevant or normal as what seems presidential, but consider that we've been led for decades by meaningless rhetoric and empty promises, not to mention criminal intent. I, for one, am pleased, for the most part, buy what he's saying, and certainly encouraged to believe that what went before to confound us is being unraveled.

  7. Seems to me that the issues are less about WHAT he does and far more about HOW he does it.
    If he is smart he will adjust. If he doesn't, he won't last a year.
    I would rather him succeed.

  8. At this point, I'm glad Trump won and McCain didn't in 2008. What a traitor to the USA? You can't be more of a traitor if you tried.

  9. John McCain is Hilary Clinton minus the North Korean dictator pant suit!

  10. Top of Class! Thank you First Lady Melania and President Trump!

  11. 'Anonymous said...

    Clinton Global foundation closing down after her loss speaks for itself... we were real close to becoming the next Germany France Sweden. Now President Trump is getting people work and pushing his tax plan. Im pleased

    February 19, 2017 at 12:55 PM"

    Way too much for the left to understand. It goes right over their heads. Company pays Bill $250,000 for a speech. Company then gets a contract from the US gov't to do work in Haiti after the earthquake for a few million cleared by Hilary's State Dept. Speaking of Haiti much if any of the work was never done. The companies took the money and ran and weren't help accountable by the obama admin. He was such a lazy arse. Typical black according to the Clinton staffer who called blacks lazy and losers and were never fired for saying that in emails.

  12. Inspiring speech and its awesome they opened with the Lord's Prayer. While I'm not a huge organized religion fan, there is a higher power and its one that we've misplaced in the world of PC hysteria. Glad to see people saying "Under God" again. Maybe a little humility would serve those melting snowflakes and their 60-hippie parents and grans.

  13. Loved it. It was great when he recognized the man in the audience who had been on TV earlier in the day. So real.
    Remember how bill and hillary and most recent hillary every time without fail when she walked up on stage would spot some imaginary person in the audience, strain to see them over the lighting and then would point and wave to them.
    You know this was a ploy some public appearance consultant told them to do so it would appear they were connecting to the audience. So inauthentic.

  14. How about that terror attack in Sweden?


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