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Thursday, February 23, 2017

Florida Teacher “Reassigned” After Facebook Post Praising Trump On Immigration

She made the mistake of publicly supporting Trump's immigration policies

A Florida computer lab teacher, Veronica Fleming, at the predominately Latino Parkside Elementary School in Naples, Florida, had her job “reassigned” after she made the mistake of publicly supporting Trump’s immigration policies over Facebook.

Apparently irked by all the “Day Without Immigrants” protests around the country (see “‘Without Us, Your Country Is Paralyzed’ – Undocumented Workers Plan Boycott ‘Day Without Immigrants’“), Fleming wrote a post on her Facebook account that she was “so glad to hear about massive deportation.”

“The funny part about immigrants staying home is the rest of us who pay for them are here at work like we’ve always been. Looks like less mouths to feed today. Have fun while you still can. So glad to hear about massive deportation. Let’s make America great again. Thanks Donald Trump!!”



  1. Young teacher who hasn't learned to censor her speech yet. Hope she's able to find a job somewhere where she will be given the opportunity to learn from this mistake.

  2. Apparently free speech is only for the left leaning groups.

  3. And the guy on here that said he would fire any employee bringing starbucks coffee to the office.

  4. Why is it ok for teachers to praise Obummer and put down Our President Trump? This teacher should not be censored! It was on her personal facebook page. Not the schools. Is a teacher not able to have an opinion? Glad she was not fired!! Go Trump! Make America great again! Enforce our laws!! Mrs. Tom

  5. She signed and agreement over her use of social media including her own FB page...she violated her contract...that's why she was fired...and yes I know as I live in Naples....she went too far...


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