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Wednesday, February 01, 2017

Fake News We Can Live With


  1. I believe most would be willing.

  2. I would pay my share!

  3. NO WALL is a LOT more expensive for each American household.

  4. How much does Obama's 9 Trillion work out to?

  5. Why doesn't Trump supporters on Fox, etc.mention the money saved from the ones that don't make it here. The money we wouldn't pay them in food stamps, SS, welfare, utility assistance, and the list goes on. Not to mention the drain on our education system. That along would pay for a wall or two plus our safety.

  6. So how much does it cost a household to support the illegals and all the babies and free medical care cost. Remember 77,000 women and children are raped and molested by illegals each year. MSM hates that statistic.


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