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Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Exclusive: Obama Illegally Robbed Fannie, Freddie to Fund Obamacare

Obama diverted money from low-income housing to keep Obamacare alive

Will this be the final nail in the coffin for the Affordable Care Act, commonly known as “Obamacare?”

Federal court litigation provides evidence the Obama administration illegally diverted taxpayer funds that had not been appropriated by Congress in an unconstitutional scheme to keep Obamacare from imploding.

In 2016, a U.S. District judge caught the Obama administration’s Health and Human Services Department acting unconstitutionally and therefore put an end to the illegal diversion of taxpayer funds, but the Obama administration didn’t stop there.



  1. Old news. Too bad nobody covered it. Even when the Inspector general announced that it happened last year.

  2. Will anybody ever be held accountable for ANY of this stuff?

    Can these people just disregard LAWS and do whatever they want without consequences?

  3. More $$$$ down the Obamahole. He should just go away to wherever and leave us alone.

  4. Obama did whatever he wanted. He knew if anyone went up against him, they would be call a racist. End of story.

  5. Nothing will come of it even though Obama and everyone on his staff that had anything to do with it should be brought up on charges, since this will not happen our Constitution is further eroded by lack of enforcement!

  6. Is there a statue of limitations?

  7. Obummer illegally robbed all of us. Thank God for Trump who will rescue us Good Americans from the hellhole that this country has become!


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