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Thursday, February 02, 2017

Despite Majority Of Americans In Favor Of Trump Immigration Policy, 900 State Department Staff Dissent

Just yesterday we noted that, according to a Rasmussen poll, while the vocal, and often violent, disaffected Hillary protesters may get a lot of media attention, the silent majority of Americans, men and women who don't have time to protest 24 hours a day because they actually go to work to provide for their families, support Trump's temporary immigration ban from 7 mostly-Muslim countries in the Middle East and Africa.

Now, Reuters/Ipsos, the pollsters who mastered the application of the Democrat "oversample" in the months leading up to the presidential election last November, is out with another poll that confirms the Rasmussen results, namely that the silent majority of Americans agree with Trump's immigration ban. Per Reuters:

The Jan. 30-31 poll found that 49 percent of American adults said they either "strongly" or "somewhat" agreed with Trump's order, while 41 percent "strongly" or "somewhat" disagreed and another 10 percent said they don't know.

But the responses were split almost entirely along party lines. Some 53 percent of Democrats said they "strongly disagree" with Trump's action while 51 percent of Republicans said they "strongly agree."

The Reuters/Ipsos poll found 31 percent of Americans feel "more safe" because of the ban, compared with 26 percent who said they felt "less safe." Some 38 percent said they felt the United States was setting "a good example" of how best to confront terrorism, while 41 percent said the country was setting "a bad example."



  1. The 900 need to retire or resign.

    I wonder which one(s) of them is the transcript leaker?

  2. To the 900 do your work or you are "FIRED"

  3. How do you say 'pink slips' in the Trump administration?
    "You're fired!"

  4. Again
    Democrats = hypocrites


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