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Friday, February 10, 2017

Dershowitz: Trump Will Win on Travel Ban at Supreme Court

President Donald Trump will lose the appeal on the nationwide ban on his travel executive order — but he will prevail before the Supreme Court, famed civil-rights attorney Alan Dershowitz told Newsmax TV on Wednesday.

"I do not believe that this order constitutes a violation of the establishment clause of the Constitution," the Harvard Law School professor emeritus told "Newsmax Prime" host J.D. Hayworth. "The fact that they picked seven Muslim states, those are the states that have high levels of terrorism.

"When you focus on real victims or real perpetrators — and the impact is heavily on one particular religion, that doesn't create a constitutional problem.



  1. I feel just the opposite , I feel he will lose because judges like to have each others back , we now have a liberal favored supreme court . Our country has been run by lawyers for many years , not the people . If they don't like it they make a law that favors them.

  2. The 9th Circuit court is the most overturned court in the country.

  3. Of course he will. Has not anyone heard the word..."precedent"? Case closed!

  4. It's not the countries they picked, its that the vetting process has a clear preference for Christians over Muslims. Which is...say it with me...discrimination

  5. Most of the 9/11 terrorists came from Saudi Arabia, why aren't they on the ban list? Turkey too.

  6. It's probably time for a full suspension of all immigration until a proper vetting process can be established so it can't be construed as discriminatory.


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