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Friday, February 10, 2017

Democrats continue to lose in showdowns with Donald Trump

They are comforting themselves with moral victories, but for Democrats, there have been no concrete wins so far in their showdowns with the Trump administration.

The Senate vote Tuesday confirming Betsy DeVos as education secretary was the latest example, with the minority party holding all its own troops and even gaining the support of some Republicans — and still falling short in their bid to thwart President Trump.

It’s not for lack of trying. Democrats staged a rally outside the Supreme Court last week to protest Mr. Trump’s executive order for extreme vetting at ports of entry for people from seven Muslim-majority nations. They also mounted feverish opposition to nearly all of the president’s Cabinet picks, forcing record delays and denying him his team.

They also have helped increase Mr. Trump’s approval rating, which stands at 54 percent, up nearly 10 points since just after his inauguration.

But Republicans powered through their budget, and each of Mr. Trump’s nominees has been approved thanks to the lower threshold Democrats created in 2013 to help President Obama.



  1. The Democrats might as well face it and get on the TRUMP TRAIN.


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