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Sunday, February 12, 2017

Daylight Theft of Expensive Bird Cage in Delmar: Can You ID This Thief?

Hello, Mr. Albero. I hope you can assist in finding whoever stole my neighbor's expensive bird cage that was stolen from his yard yesterday before 11 AM. It was outside for cleaning. The Delaware State Police have an active investigation by TFC VALERIO who asks that any information is called into Troop 5 @ 302-337-1090. The case # is 05-17-007524.

The cage was stolen from the yard of Howard & Susan Hunt on the corner of Old Stage Rd & Cardinal Rd. I live right next to them, and my home camera system was able to record the person and vehicle that stole it. The police have these videos and have said that we can use any means to identify the person and the truck that was used in this crime

The white truck pull into the yard, knock two separate times, and then make repeated trips into his truck. He then leaves and comes back in just over 2 minutes time which tells us that he didn't go far away to get the tools he needed to take the cage apart. Since there were other smaller pieces of metal around there (2 window a/c units), the police don't think it was taken for scrap metal. Any help you can provide will be great. Thanks.


  1. That's a long 15-minute video, but I see why. It still shows everything playing back at 2x speed. It looks like MD tags since you can see that they are white on both the front and back if that helps.

  2. I'm sure someone has to know who brought a big birdcage home.

  3. Thank God for your home cameras I hope they catch the thief.

  4. asshats everywhere....unbelievable! Cannot wait to see his face on the police report.

  5. You said the person knocked two separate times. Why would they do that? Maybe they thought it was in the yard as a free giveaway item.

    1. No, it would be more likely they were trying to see if someone was home. It was not in an area to be assumed as a yard sale and no one in sight nor any signs

  6. Who did your cameras?

  7. 2:45 Unless there is sign stating free item, it is probably best not to go in someone's yard and take something because it is outside. Oh, I see a combine in your yard, must be free, I'll just take it. LOL. He/she knocked to make sure no one was home before they stole it.

  8. It was up close to the house, not next to the trash cans which were pulled out to the road.

  9. 2:45 seriously? They were knocking to make sure no one was home so they could STEAL the cage. Since when does something that sits in a yard become free?

  10. I think that guy does home repairs and yard work. I can't place where I know him from, but I think he is a boss over some illegal workers.

  11. That certainly narrows it down....

  12. Takes balls right in the middle of the day

  13. 4:33 sarcasm is the levity of life for quick witted people. yeah, that about covers it. This is the part where Columbo walks back in....Ah, where was you on the night of....

  14. Just one more thing....It's been bothering me and I need to ask.

  15. We have cameras but you would have a hard time seeing them. It is best to have cameras that are on full time while you are away.

  16. Does anyone know what kind of truck this is?

  17. If they have front and rear views of the vehicle the Police should be able to zoom in on the tag. This is why you mount cameras out of site and not let it be known you have them.

  18. 6:25 A little too much CSI/NCIS. Out of site or sight? It's OK, you are trying and if you were repeating the 8th grade again, they probably would just pass you. Should one hide the cameras or follow the example of Walmart, Home Depot and Lowe's and put up monitors that show people they are actively being recorded?

    We have a monitor that can be clearly seen by anyone looking inside our residence from the side not facing the street. 55" display on 24/7 displaying what is being recorded. Smile you are now on the net and saved in the Cloud.

  19. Think there is more to this story. How could he see the cage that far from the road by just driving by?

  20. sounds like someone in the neighborhood......someone who cuts grass, snow shovel of other at your house....truck used for his buisness in the area

  21. It's a tall cage. Take a drive by there and you can see how openly exposed everything is around there.

  22. Vehicles had been blocking this cage, but when the owners left for work there was no vehicles or obstruction. Scrappers know to take stuff from the corner and not come on the property. This was thought out and premeditated. What else did this person case while on the property? Kudos's to the neighbors. Everyone needs neighbors that look out for one another/

  23. A lot of people have been coming and going from a house being fixed up down the road...I would start there.

  24. People that live on corner lots like that get robbed often.

  25. Seems like they pulled right in to the driveway and walked right up. They didnt scope the place out?? Seems very odd!!

  26. Don't take them window AC units cuz the neighbor is watching......

  27. Where did you get the camera, that's awesome. We all need them. Is that a retail system from Sam's or a internet, or a security company? Please share

  28. More than likely, stolen for scrap if it was stainless or aluminum.

  29. 11:05 Start with google and do your own research. If too lazy, then hire a security company that has already done it for you. Freebie tip: Don't get anything less than a 3 megapixel camera system.

  30. This person and truck looks like a guy who works for clarkes environmental on foskey lane in delmar, notice the light green shirt that they wear too its like 2 trucks without lettering on the doors and cap on back.

  31. Its a ford pick up truck

  32. Thanks for the tip 8:16 PM!

  33. I have not read the comments,but this person obviously thought the bird cage was being thrown away.

  34. 9:07 It was nowhere near the road for trash.

  35. 9:07 well you should of read the story before you open your mouth, why would he leave and then come back 2 mins later instead of taking first time because he was scoping to see if any neighbors were looking or outside.


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