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Thursday, February 23, 2017

Congressman Andy Harris Responds to the Trump Administration’s Decision on School Bathroom Policies

WASHINGTON, DC: Congressman Andy Harris (MD-01) released the following statement regarding the Trump administration’s decision to return authority over school bathroom policies to state and local governments.

“I applaud the new Trump administration for walking back the previous administration’s ‘bathroom guidance’ letter concerning gender identity in elementary schools. With our public education system falling behind that of our global competitors, I am glad we will no longer be distracted by such issues. As I pointed out in my letter to the superintendents of public schools in Maryland’s 1st District, the Obama guidance most likely wasn’t legally binding, since it clearly did not follow the clear meaning of the underlying statute, and would most likely have been overturned by the courts.”


  1. What say Gov Hogan ?

    1. He has one foot in the bathroom and one foot out like everything. Fake republican

  2. Chester the Molester Obama is gone....yeah

  3. Hogan wont like this thats why he will be a one term gov.

  4. Be brave Harris , come out and hold you town meetings

  5. Harris you will get my vote again.


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