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Saturday, February 04, 2017

Chelsea Clinton Speaks — And She’s Attacking Kellyanne Conway!

Chelsea Clinton attacked Kellyanne Conway after she incorrectly cited the “Bowling Green Massacre” — an event that never happened — while defending President Trump’s executive order restricting immigration from seven countries.

Though Conway later clarified that she meant to say “Bowling Green terrorists,” Hillary Clinton’s daughter savaged her on Twitter for “making up attacks.”

“Very grateful no one seriously hurt in the Louvre attack …or the (completely fake) Bowling Green Massacre,” Clinton tweeted Friday morning. “Please don’t make up attacks.”



  1. For people who are under criminal investigation, it shows America just how brazen the Clintons are and how they believe they will never be held accountable for their crimes. Every time I see Chelsea Clinton, I think of her lavish wedding paid for by donors who thought they were feeding the Haitian children! Chelsea is prison bound along with her parents. It's only a matter of time until her perp walk is showing on Fox News.

  2. Ever notice how Chelsea looks like donkey from Shrek ?

  3. Comment caption on the photo. "See how much fun it is to lie."

  4. I wish Pres. Trump would come up with a way to ban these clowns.

  5. 10:20
    She's a female Alfred E. Neuman from the cover of Mad magazine.

  6. Why don't the Clintons just go away!

  7. Prime example of the tolerant left completely intolerant of a women.

  8. Oh the privleged think they are so special. Who cares what she thinks????!!!!

  9. Is she the offspring of Mr. Ed?

  10. Chelsea, so irrelevant, poor thing.

  11. Chilly should STFU - she's close to being indicted for her activities related to 'the Foundation'....

  12. Now that's real important.


  13. Webb Hubble is so proud!

    Guess there must be at least one staffer still being paid at Clinton Crime HQ to write material for the lovely and talented Chelsea to transmit. Did you know she used to work for NBC as an 'on the air' talent?


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