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Thursday, February 02, 2017

CEO Jeff Bezos says Amazon backs suit opposing Trump travel ban order

Amazon founder and CEO Jeff Bezos says the Seattle-based company is prepared to support a lawsuit being brought by Washington state’s attorney general against President Donald Trump and the administration over Trump’s executive order on immigration and refugees.

The Washington Post, which is owned by Bezos, reported that Bezos wrote in an internal email to Amazon employees Monday that company lawyers have prepared a “declaration of support” for the suit. The Post reports the letter says company lawyers “are working other legal options as well.”

Fellow Washington state-based tech companies Microsoft and Expedia are also supporting the suit.



  1. How does that surprise anyone. They are worse than walmart in destroying small businesses in america.. if there is a ban how will they get their salesmen to buy the cheap crap they sell out of their newly built warehouses... employee 200 while putting 300000 out of business...

  2. 7:32 so you only like capitalism when it works for you huh lol

  3. Twist my arm and I'll boycott your dumba$$'s too, like the rest of the majority of American Patriots will!

  4. They want their cheap H1B employees!

  5. I am doing everything I can to find alternatives to using Amazon, though they've pretty well cornered the online market.

    The bigger they get, the harder they squeeze.

  6. Time for antitrust and monopoly law suit initiated by President Trump

  7. Y'all gonna boycott your selves back to the stone ages. LOL No bud, starbucks, amazon, microsoft, walmart, anything from mexico/china, etc.


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