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Friday, February 10, 2017

BREAKING: A mob has gathered outside of Mitch McConnell’s Kentucky home

According to photos released by Huffington Post’s Front Page Editor Phil Lewis, a large crowd has gathered outside of Mitch McConnell’s home in Louisville, Kentucky.

The crowd is reportedly reading the letter Coretta Scott King wrote about now Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

One twitter user named Nathaniel Gardner captured video of the crowd reportedly 200 strong, repeating the words of explanation concerning Warren’s dismissal from the podium.



  1. It's time to start pushing back against these Fascists.

  2. It's time to bust snowflake heads.

  3. Arrest them disorderly conduct.

  4. Too bad all their energy couldn't be bottled up to do something CONSTRUCTIVE, rather than waste air!


  5. Hope it's a wet and cold day. And that officers have the dogs do a thorough sniff check of their buses.

  6. If his state had a good Castle Law Like in flordia, he feels threatened, start killing!

  7. They have gone pretty low when they go to someone's HOME to chant and possibly burn things. They believe that being obnoxious and ill-mannered is a badge of honor and somehow elevates them above recourse.
    They have no shame.
    They have no manners, home training, sense of decency, or a concept of boundaries.
    Maybe someone's dog can get loose.


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