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Sunday, February 26, 2017

Bitter. Angry. Resentful.

John McCain is increasingly mad as hell about President Trump. And on Friday, he went after Trump — hard.

During a speech at the Munich Security Conference in Germany, the Republican senator from Arizona delivered a pointed and striking point-by-point takedown of Trump's worldview and brand of nationalism. McCain didn't mention Trump's name once, but he didn't have to.

And even considering the two men's up-and-down history and the terrible things Trump has said about McCain, it was a striking display from a senior leader of a party when it comes to a president of the same party.

In his speech, McCain suggested the Western world is uniquely imperiled this year — even more so than when Barack Obama was president — and proceeded to question whether it will even survive.

“In recent years, this question would invite accusations of hyperbole and alarmism; not this year,” McCain said. “If ever there were a time to treat this question with a deadly seriousness, it is now.”

In case there was any doubt that this was about Trump. Here's what followed:


  1. He is a prime example on why Pres. Trump needs to drain the swamp. He has a mental problem that got worst when he ran a terrible campaign and lost to Obama. He barely kept his seat on the last re-election.

  2. Term limits would solve this problem. McCain has been there too long and should retire.

  3. Time to send him, pelosi, and waters to the same crazy old folks home

  4. What's going on with McCain's neck anyway?

    1. His upper back and neck were injured in North Viet Nam during his several years as a POW. He still can't raise his arms over his shoulders.

    2. His upper back and neck were injured in North Viet Nam during his several years as a POW. He still can't raise his arms over his shoulders.

  5. McCain is a Globalist and part of the progressive movement. what is he doing in Germany anyway?? Meeting with Soros again?? McCain's view of the world is in jeopardy

  6. What planet is he talking about? This guy has lost it. Nothing he was spewing was anything on Trump's agenda, yet he keeps on talking and the MSM so wholly on the side of the Deep State backs him up as if he was relevant.

    Good night, John.

  7. McCain just switch parties and stop pretending.

  8. He is an example of "Fake News", the news made out that this old fool is a "War Hero", but in truth, he was captured and helped the enemy by telling on his fellow prisoners.The captures later said he was no hero, but a traitor.

  9. He needs to be in prison for accepting $1 million dollars to his foundation from the SAUDIS.

  10. This guy just needs to go away. He's an embarrassment to the USA.

  11. McCain has been storing nuts in his cheeks for so long that they're having an effect on his brain.

  12. Just another angry loser.....got beat bad and can't get over it!


  13. Bitter. Angry. Resentful.

    We would be also, if as stupid as he is. Never did care for him and had to vote for him anyway when he lost to a bad man.


  14. I'll leave it to veterans and actual POWs to characterize his actions in captivity. The story has shifted over time.

    But his POW experiences got him elected. He's been worthless since, unless you count the Keating scandal, his campaign finance fixation, and the abysmal campaign he ran against a senator with next-to-no experience. If Governor Palin had been at the top of the ticket she would have kicked Obama's behind...literally and figuratively! Instead, McCain flopped and we know of recent history.

    He's a disgrace.

  15. Trump shouldn't have saved his failing election. Dr. Kelli was much better for AZ and USA than McCain could ever dream to be. I've heard even Trump now regrets endorsing him.

  16. Old dogs don't like new tricks or a change in their kibble.

  17. He is the poster boy for term limits.Back in 1985 he was part of the Keating 5,5 senators which got money from Charles Keating a corrupt man who ran savings and loan banks like his personal piggy bank and the taxpayers had to bail out.

  18. I hate seeing all this hate toward Senator McCain. He has served our country way about the call of duty. I voted for him when he ran for president. But like to many others in Washington he has fallen prey to the "government is the answer to all problems" mentality. Outsiders ruffle his feathers. Trump is the ultimate outsider. In all honesty I feel its time for McCain to hit the road. Retire.....enjoy the rest of your life. He has become the poster person for term limits in congress.

  19. read the real story of McCain NO HERO

  20. McCain was a lousy, incompetent pilot, and a lousy, weak POW. And now he's a old, lousy congressman that needs to just go away already.

  21. Coming from a man that Nixon pardoned who would have been imprisoned for Treason, I do not hold much support. Now run get your check from your buddy Soro's for your comments McCain. You already are a traitor of this country.


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