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Tuesday, February 28, 2017


Alert from Maryland Federation of Republican Women. Please email the members of the Judiciary Committee to vote against this bill.


A hearing for House Bill 1362 is scheduled for February 28th at 1 p.m. in the Judiciary Committee. THIS BILL IS DESIGNED TO MAKE MARYLAND A SAFE HAVEN FOR ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS. It states “Prohibiting a specified government agent from taking specified actions for immigration enforcement purposes; prohibiting a law enforcement official from stopping, arresting, searching, or detaining an individual for purposes of investigating a suspected immigration violation.”

Please copy and paste the emails below to contact the members of the Judiciary Committee and tell them to vote AGAINST HB-1362.
In addition, we are teaming with the MD-CAN group (Chinese American Network), which is sending 30 people to testify in person! They will make copies of your written testimony. Here are more details:
Written Testimony: Please email to MDCAN2016@gmail.com before 11pm Monday, Feb 27. Please clearly mark your first and last name, whether individual or with an organization. MDCAN has a volunteer to combine your testimonies and send to Annapolis to print out in the morning. If you want to do it yourself, please print 30 hard copies and drop off at the committee office before 11am on Tuesday (or contact Ella Ennis –eee437@comcast.net – for other arrangements.
Sign up to Testify in Person: Must sign up before 12:30 in the lobby outside the committee office. If you prefer, please email your First Name, Last Name, and your organization name (if you present an organization) to MDCAN2016@gmail.com before 11pm Monday, Feb 27. MDCAN will have a volunteer signing up for you. Contact Ella for other arrangements.
Please let your voices be heard, and protect our state!

Liz League. President


  1. It's already a don deal.

  2. As the middleclass continues to struggle with staying afloat. The illegals,poor and the rich GET HELP and all the breaks. Cant leave this sorry state soon enough.

  3. When will the good folks realize that this state nor any other state will protect you. Protection, the number one duty of government and they fail at that. The elite listed here are in the game for themselves, not the minions that voted and elected them. They have had a sweet taste at the trough and have forgotten about you real fast. You want to keep them, keep on voting for them and finish the once good state of Maryland off.You have to protect family and property. The local sweeties stand in front of cameras with flags wrapped around them, while erecting Section 8 dwellings faster than President Trump can flush them out or build a skating rink downtown N.Y. If they move in your hood, keep the all seeing eye on them and carry yourself accordingly.

  4. Mission received and accomplished!


  5. Yeah, as if you are going to get these fat lazy stupid residents from SBY to call or email anyone to stop anything... I will guarantee though, they will be on this blog running their mouth about how they don't like something, that I can promise...

    Besides, as 7:45 Said, it is already a done deal...

  6. Dems' response to Trump's address tonight is an activist speaking Spanish about illegal immigrants and affordable health care. Amazing! Why do illegals think they deserve any benefits from American taxpayers? If they are here legally and working, fine, but don't come here illegally and expect something for nothing! We have a new president in town and the liberals who break the law by allowing this nonsense should be removed from office. They broke their oath of office to uphold U.S. laws. Trump is simply enforcing existing laws.

  7. How does this "protect our state'???!

  8. Can't wait to see how Liberal Jim handles this one!

  9. Federal law always trumps, state law! And in this case Trump is the operative word!

  10. Only in this country can they make a law to break the law !

  11. 8:27 speak for yourself. Your comment tells everybody who you are. I e-mail and call probably 10x more than you think about doing. So quit showing your ignorance like a progressive liberal DumbocRAT.


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