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Saturday, February 18, 2017

Bikers For Trump Have Arrived!


  1. Funny I don't recognize any of those protesters. Most of them aren't local.

  2. What no vagina hats. They should have 295 people there by now.

  3. This is the new profession being taught in college.. being a professional protestor. Pay is a lot better than the average job and NO income taxes..

  4. Some of those morons just don't get it!!

    Make America Great Again!

  5. The last poster should also say educate the uninformed like the definition of illegal.

  6. Both groups are equally ridiculous.

  7. Tell your friend Paul to shut his dog up before I shut it up for him.

    1. lol big p...y snowflake i see you didnt say anything to him lol he would have ripped your head off then fed it to his dog lol.

  8. "Anonymous said...

    Tell your friend Paul to shut his dog up before I shut it up for him.

    February 18, 2017 at 2:49 PM"

    Chill! In the big scheme of things a barking dog is really insignificant you do know that don't you? Threatening an animal signifies you have some deep rooted issues you should be addressing.

    1. I was done on purpose wooooooof to shut the snowflakes down it worked well i seen the snowflakes getting pissed good job Mr A.

  9. When MY dog barks he is warning me of something that needs my attention. If you don't like it, TOUGH!

  10. It is every Americans right to protest something and it is every Americans right to make fun of turds who protest for the right to be killed. Islam is NOT peace. When will they ever learn.

  11. No more pizza @ Burn Wood since they are located in the liberal den in Berlin Urban Nector.

  12. Hey 1:12, they are local. I talked with many of them to get their signatures on something regarding state legislation, meaning I needed their address so the info can be sent to their representatives. I didn't realize you knew all 30,000 residents of Salisbury though, so I guess you're the expert!

    Funny how you all assume everyone's paid because you're too fragile to fathom the idea that anyone disagrees with you.

  13. The snowflakes need to learn to proofread before printing........."PERSERVE".

  14. All the snowflake idiots need to see is the video showing the sign that "islam will dominate the world". we are fighting a world war for the survival of the future.


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