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Saturday, February 18, 2017

Better Move To Compromise On Fireworks

This week’s dialogue on fireworks and special events among Ocean City business owners, tourism officials and the Mayor and Council revealed some interesting and diverse thoughts.

Although concerns have been expressed privately the last couple summers, this was the first we have heard public comments being made about the negative impact the weekly fireworks shows have on commerce on the Boardwalk. A few summers ago, the town began offering short fireworks displays at 10 p.m. during July and August on Mondays and Tuesdays to boost attendance during traditionally quiet evenings. The idea is to give visitors who have already chosen Ocean City as their vacation destination some free family entertainment to enjoy while here.

While the intentions are sound, the business owners’ concerns expressed this week deserve serious consideration. The thought of dozens of shoppers waiting in line to pay for their goods at the Boardwalk Quiet Storm store immediately leaving behind their planned purchases when the fireworks start to boom is disturbing. Other restaurateurs along the Boardwalk confirm on Mondays and Tuesdays during the summer their places empty out for the fireworks.


1 comment:

  1. Ok, here's what I dont get. I actually live in Ocean City. I don't get why the boardwalk businesses are bellyaching. It's ONE DAY IN JULY. That council spent an inordinate amount of time talking about this. Why oh why don't the fireworks start at 9pm...or 8:45. Folks start dragging their kids off the beach around 5. They have dinner between 6 and 8pm. If the businesses are whining that their biggest sales times occur between 9:30 and 10:30, why wasnt an earlier time offered? I remember my kids were toast by 10:00 after being on that beach all day. And yes, it starts getting dark around that time and yes, you can see the fireworks adequately.


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