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Friday, February 24, 2017

Atheist forces school to drop Ten Commandments

A Pennsylvania school district capitulated to the demands of a militant atheist who filed a federal lawsuit demanding the district remove a Ten Commandments monument erected on a public high school campus.

New Kensington-Arnold School District agreed to remove the massive monument within 30 days – ending a lawsuit filed in 2012 by self-avowed atheist Marie Schaub.

Schaub claimed the 6-foot stone monument erected outside Valley High School was a religious symbol and therefore was a violating of the U.S. Constitution.

“It’s unfortunate that many people in my community don’t understand or appreciate the separation of church and state, but I hope this settlement serves as an important lesson,” she told the Valley News Dispatch.

Under the agreement to remove the monument, the school district's insurance company will pay $163,500 in legal fees, including more than $40,000 to the Freedom From Religion Foundation.

“We’re very pleased,” Freedom From Religion Foundation attorney Patrick Elliott told the Valley News Dispatch. “It means that the Constitution is being followed by the school district.”

The Freedom From Religion Foundation is a group of perpetually offended atheists, agnostics and self-professed free-thinkers based in Wisconsin. Their staff of full-time lawyers bully and intimidate small towns and communities in their quest to eradicate Christianity from the public marketplace.



  1. Someone please show me where there a "separation of church and state" in the constitution.

    1. "Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion" -1st amendment

  2. Tsk, tsk, tsk. Again the tail wags the dog. This atheist probably does not have children in school and went out of her way to notice the monument. God will deal with her in due time.

  3. Don't they realize we have rights too !! This is what pisses me off the minority and liberals taking my rights away.

    1. It's a public school. You can't preach religion in a federally funded public school.

  4. Democrats want to undermine the country anyway possible. They attack the church , Marriage, Children.

  5. "Congress shall make no law..." Show me exactly how Congress is involved with this monument. You can't.


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