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Thursday, February 23, 2017

Asian Trump Supporter Crushes Liberals and Identity Politics



  1. After I watched that, I agree with what he said. The language wasn't that bad in my view, just empathising his points and how strongly he feels, like most of do. I hope the powers that be watch this and take heed. There is a current of hostility, resentment, fear, hate, desperation, etc. being felt among all people I think not just the young. But he is right. The young is the future and will be our leaders eventually. I think Trump is just the first one to surface who will change things from what they are now. And that scares a lot of people. The people in power today. Then know they will be challenged sooner or later by this generation and others who feel and think like they do. THat's why we see the protests, the attacks, the violence. They are trying to hold on to their power. But as we found out with this election, their power will be taken from them. And rightly so. They have abused it far too long.

  2. We need more Asians less Muslim's.

  3. I wonder if Molly has seen this, we need a rebuttal from an expert! Not!

  4. I needed to hear this. Thanks you...


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