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Sunday, February 19, 2017

Are These People Out Of Their American Minds?


  1. Says a lot about this person's lack of good character that he would ever want to protect criminals. Undocumented means the person is nothing more then a no good criminal. He can spin it anyway he wants but facts are facts.

  2. No not out of their minds just bad people. People who were brought up poorly by bad parents who obviously had better things to do then raise children properly.

  3. No not 'we' must protect. He can if he wants to but undocumented means they are here illegally so that means they have been reduced to nothing but criminals.

  4. Once again,ask him how many he would take into his home and neighborhood.

  5. Oh well, it's something to do on a boring sunny day...

  6. I know right 1:48. They talk a good game but never put their money where their mouths are. It's just more of the lies they constantly tell.

  7. These people are damn nuts to even carry a sign that says such as this. Illegal is illegal - I don't care how they spin it.

  8. I bet those Douche Bags don't pay taxes!! They should work for the government 80's hours a week and give all of his salary to them if he feels that way. He is too stupid to know that they are ILLEGAL ALIENS and not "undocumented brothers." Little HOMO!

  9. Shouldn't really give them any more publicity since they feed off of it!

  10. Mindless lost souls that are a product of common core education.


  11. I have a bad habit of being friendly with everyone. Just a smile and hello is all. Last night at a supply store at the North end of Salisbury, I spoke to a pair of male Mexicans and they looked at me like I had a disease. This was not the first time, but you can bet it will be the last. From here on if there is any turd such a those outside needing a battery jump or anything, they can kiss off.

  12. I will let him support the ones my tax dollars are paying for since my SSI check is less than their minimum and about 1/3 of what they really get. Talk about unjust. I worked all my life and have support these bums who probably don't work.

  13. Are they going to put a roof over their heads, feed and cloth them and oh yea pay for all their medical cost too?
    No I didn't think so.
    Now just take your signs and go home

  14. Not MY brothers and sisters!


  16. The jobs you loose to them could be your own.

  17. I see it as either way they lost this will not stop trump so people need to come and realize there just wasting there time but i was down there and all i pretty much seen was trump supporters lol we all did a good job joe no food no closed roads shes probably sad about it also she made all those statements but yea none went the way it went this was a flop

  18. 2:45, Please keep being friendly to every one. If they were only two of ten,the other eight will miss God's light thru your smile.

  19. Maybe these a-holes can sign documents to become legal providers of some "undocumented" brothers and sisters. Make them responsible for the financial support and criminal activity. How many of these pricks would sign up for that? Yeah, that's what I thought.

  20. protect them? we need protection FROM them. get it together snowflakes

  21. If this protester is proud of his position on illegals, why does he hide behind his sing. Show your face.

  22. Not many protesters...They only steal jobs from Americans.

  23. I guess the one with the new York hat is a democrat. Neither one of them wants to show there face

  24. i don't know what to say about the liberals behaving this way but I sure wish the racist conservatives would stop making comments and giving liberals another reason to label all conservatives "racists". On another thread someone said to send them all home "Juan by Juan ".
    Stop acting foolish. Let's be the party of class and reason. We can win this argument without rolling around in the gutter!

  25. 10;55 you're no conservative, no Conservative calls other Conservatives racist, because we all know better than that. You're one of those fellow liberals that you speak of.


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