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Sunday, February 26, 2017

ABC News Reporter: Constitution Requires Trump To Take Questions From Reporters

Nope. Typical liberal spew! That’s an amazing misunderstanding of the First Amendment. I must have missed the law requiring someone to only take questions from “major” news organizations.

Daily Caller:

ABC News chief political analyst Matthew Dowd argued that President Trump is undermining the Constitution by not calling on mainstream news outlets.

During Wednesday’s press conference, Trump limited questions to two non-mainstream media outlets: the Christian Broadcasting Network and Townhall.

Dowd argued that Trump is “shutting down part of the First Amendment by not taking questions that are going to be any way antagonistic in this.” 


  1. Totally biased untruth. And folks wonder why ABC and other "Main Stream Media" news sources are so untrustworthy.

  2. Totally mischaracterization of the 1st amendment. Accusations and exaggerations of the truth have consequences. So cry cry cry.

  3. HaHaHaHaHA.....and that's all we have to say about that! Reap what you sow.

  4. Not used to working to get the story anymore, are we? No spoon feeding under Trump!

  5. Screw the crooked media!

  6. The mainstream media, is both corporate and government controlled and can no longer be trusted to tell the truth or accurately report the news. Many people, like me are turning to alternative media to get their news.
    For me, locally, it's Sbynews. Nationally I look to the Drudge Report, info wars, and Rense.com. There are many others. Trump is right, he doesn't owe them anything, and there are many sources for people like me to go to for the news, which isn't fake news like CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, THE YOUNG TURKS, OR EVEN VICE News (Snowflake media)! The first five minutes is usually Trump bashing. I can no longer stomach watching this. Even WBOC is filtering in their anti Trump comments in the local news as well as WMDT.

  7. The media folk should understand that they would get further if they played nicely. Once they realize the American people want the truth, perhaps they will learn how the game is truly played.

  8. How about a law that if your mainstream media you cant just be liberal and promote democrats.

  9. He won't call on me Wah, Wah ,Wah

  10. Lame stream media need to respect the position of the Presidency too...you don't have to like the person in the seat, but the seat still needs to be respected!!!

    Disrespect the Prez (especially during a Q&A) and you get the cold shoulder - THAT has always happened over time!

  11. Funny how for the last 8 years the msm never minded obama not answering questions. Or how Billary didn't hold a press conference for over a year while on the campaign trail? (One of the reasons she lost) but now you have a President who opened up the press pool to almost anyone, yet they cry foul cuz they can't ask questions.. saying Trump isn't constitutional. The real question is, are they? The press is supposed to be nonpartisan and report the facts. Yet they hide behind the 1st ammendment while using it to slander the President? How's it feel? How's it feel when you get treated like you treat the viewers? No one cares about your problems because you don't care about us. Whatever happened to investigative reporting and not just printing whatever internet rumors you find while you're supposed to be doing real journalism? Or just completely making stories up?

  12. Anybody listen to these clowns anymore?

  13. Another Liberal shill opens his mouth and doofus comes out. These people are just paid actors, not political geniuses or even knowledgeable or accurate examples of the common man.
    They get paid to deliver what the network news heads are told to deliver by the $$$ people. At the end of the year they all get together and give each other prizes to celebrate their acting skills.

  14. Wrong again!!! Fake Comment...The only way for journalism to work is if the journalists are not driven by their biases and investigate and Report the Truth. This is NOT happening today and hasn't been happening for Many years; hence the MSM is in the tank...only 14% approval rate...

    So all you MSM snakes, go back to your HOLES until you get it right. President Trump is doing just fine. thank you

  15. All Obama supporters are going out of buisness.....bye bye News Media

  16. Obama always touted he deported more illegals than Bush,where was the outrage?


  18. Maybe he does have to take questions, just not from you....HaHaHaHa. Start reporting the news, and not an opposing political agenda, and maybe the teacher will call on you.

  19. True news reporters don't tell us how they "feel" or what they "think" - they report the facts! If there are none, they hit the streets until they find something - THEN its reported to the public.

    Lost in translation began in the PC era, i.e., 1992. Sure was a fast 25 year crash - eh?

  20. The MSM is a cesspool of corruption, bed trading and deceit.
    I'm having trouble deciding which is the most despicable, reporters or lawyers.
    Both of them have the misunderstanding that they are higher beings than average Joe working class.
    In fact, lawyers are the worst morally corrupt P.O.S. on the earth....except for reporters.


  21. What a blockhead!

    Press conferences are an opportunity for the sponsor (in this case the President) to get their message out by providing some info and then taking some questions.

    What a big surprise that those intent on undermining don't get called on first, or at all. Guess they'll have to report on what was actually said. Eventually they may get a chance, and if they act juvenile, it may be an extended period before they get a second chance. Wouldn't that be too bad?

  22. Obama would not take questions. How come no one said anything about him when he did it?


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