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Tuesday, February 28, 2017

A Viewer Writes, "Shame On Everyone"

Just a thought about the lady who was attacked, Bill Cosby's accusers didn't come forward because they knew their integrity would come into question and because of who he was. It took a comedian 20 years later to finally put the information out there in the form of an inside joke before women finally came forward and oh what an avalanche it was. 

On any given night on a college campus women become victims if they drink to much, party with the wrong crowd or end up in the wrong room or house. The statistics are much higher than what is reported because the victim gets victimized a second time in court. 

Where are the women that should be outraged that instead of believing this victim the "authorities " are painting this as a "fake news" story!

Women haven't gotten any further in their quest for equal treatment as long as they keep getting dismissed by local male figures of authority. Shame on everyone!


  1. Well when the justice system jails someone for only 6 months for sexually assaulting someone, what do we expect? Brock Turner for those of you who remember. What it teaches our citizens is that you can speak up and reveal something so intimate about yourself and a privileged white kid will get what accounts to a slap on the wrist for a heinous crime. Why should we trust the justice system to give us justice when they prove time and time again that it's more important about who you are and who you know--something that is abundantly clear in this cess pool of a place.

  2. It amazes me how many people are upset that you have mentioned this situation in you blog. For them to be this upset there has to be some validity to the situation.

  3. Seems like people protest too much about being warned of a dangerous situation. If people were smart they'd be wondering why Day & Lewis are so anxious to cover up these crimes instead of solving them.

  4. 1:45 Maybe the problem is that so many of these situations are women crying wolf. we automatically assume that because they cry rape that it happened that way. ask Rolling Stone Magazine or the Duke Lacrosse team. now before you go off the rails and accuse me of being insensitive, it is situations like this that have created the problem. Just as a side note if a young lady goes to a frat party and gets wasted, then wants to cry rape maybe just maybe she should think about her own actions.

  5. Duncan could be a hero if she'd hold a press conference and tell the truth. The "walls" would come tumbling down and we could regain control of our once wonderful city!

  6. 6:04 Bull sh!#. Women are talking about this in the grocery stores, in the hobby store, and everywhere women work. All of Salisbury has heard of this even if they don't read this blog. Why you ask? Because we don't trust the people to tell us the truth. Too many women have been victims of sexual comments at least once in their life by superiors that knew they could get away with it and she could do nothing and if she did it would be an uphill fight. Not to mention the growing numbers of women who HAVE come out and tried to fight the system only to get knocked down by people who just want this ugly mess to "go away."

    Well....it isn't going to "go away" that easily if at all. We all know what this feels like to one degree or another and if you think this is all a bag of lies I feel sorry for you because you obviously know nothing about past history. If you are a woman and you haven't shared this conversation with the women you work with or the women in line where you shop....please do. Please question what is going on because where there is smoke there is some kind of fire and this just might save your sister, daughter, mother, aunt or even your grandmother. A sexual crime is not a sexual crime...it is a HATE crime.

    AND if you are male and want to doubt this comment ask your female friends, you sister or any woman you trust to tell you the truth before leaving a male perspective. You may be shocked.

  7. Young women HAVE to take some responsibility for their own safety, when it comes to dating and drinking. Not only are their inhibitions altered when they drink, but so are their date's. Getting drunk and "going to far", and then blaming the date for everything is not the whole story. When there are mitigating circumstances, then they should be considered. That's not blaming the "victim." When both parties are at fault, then the "victim" and the courts shouldn't put ALL the responsibility and penalty on the other party.


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