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Sunday, February 26, 2017

9 People Shot, 1 Killed Within Few Bloody Hours in Baltimore

BALTIMORE (WJZ)– In just a matter of hours, Baltimore police ran from one part of the City to the next investigating multiple shootings.

Ava-Joye Burnett has reaction from the mayor with this latest burst of violence in the City.

Nine people were shot in Baltimore within hours. Now the mayor and police are repeating the same message to witnesses who are choosing to remain silent.

The violence started before the sun went down. Two teens and a worker from the store were shot in the Brooklyn neighborhood and then caught on surveillance a man running from the scene in a red hoodie. Police say he’s a suspect.

Hours later, another triple shooting. This time in East Baltimore along Luzerne Avenue.



  1. Replies
    1. People like you just agitate the problem but do nothing to find solutions

  2. Just how Democrats like it.

  3. If these are gang related, which I suspect they are, why not let them exterminate each other. Perhaps this is the solution to gang turf wars and the drug war.

  4. Wonderful place Obama politics on steroids.

  5. Yea and molly wants sanctuary city so does baltimore last i heard we have this crime here now what do you idiots think will happend with people who dont care about our laws get special treatment get let go and its the americans families who have to do there own justice

  6. Baltimore needs about two feet of snow.

  7. Coming to a city near you. Arm yourselves, my friends.

  8. No 9:22, 8:43 is actually correct. Only 2 hours away and guess what, all of them will be wearing hoodies.

  9. Baltimore City is a sanctuary city.

  10. Baltimore-"The City That Bleeds".

  11. Right the ghetto dweller always looking to everyone else for "solutions." Too ignorant to figure it out on their own. Poverty causes crime and the number one cause of poverty is illegitimate births. It's as simple as that and if they can't figure it out and strive to do better then they deserve nothing more then to be wallowing around in their cesspools of poverty and crime. The ignoramuses act like it's rocket science or something.

  12. 7:18 you know it is ironic that Margaret Sanger wanted to do just that so she formed Planned Parenthood. No joke

  13. They need more money so they can form a committee to get suggestions how to help with is issue. Then the committee will hand it over to the council for review , and then to another government agency for grant money ,on and on and on.


  14. "Forget it, Jake. It's Chinatown."

  15. 8:43 We know the problem but we just can't say it. I say give them shooting lessons, in Chicago seven shot dead in one day. Balt. only one dead.. so sad

  16. send in the DRONES !!!

  17. crime city I mean charm city

  18. 9:29:
    Some history:
    Years ago when Baltimore adopted the slogan "Charm City", people would blackout the letter "C" in charm, leaving, obviously "Harm City".
    It became so prevalent that they finally scrapped the (stupid) slogan.


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