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Wednesday, February 08, 2017

30 Retired NFL Players Donate Brains for Research

Former 49ers offensive lineman Randy Cross is among 30 retired NFL players who have pledged to donate their brains to concussion research.

Pro Bowlers Keith Sims and Shawn Springs were also among the players. More names will be released later this month.

The pledges are for the Concussion Legacy Foundation, founded by Chris Nowinski, the former WWE wrestler who has been among the most outspoken critics of the way the NFL has diagnosed and treated concussions over the years.



  1. The globalist liberals have been targeting the NFL for extinction for years...They go after anything that makes America what we are .

  2. Put a sock in ot jackass. This world was much better off before every dum dum like you obtained a mouthpiece via the internet.

  3. My Mom and Dad did this, as they both made it to 94.5 without Alzheimer's symptoms. We need all the information we can get to make life better for all.

  4. honestly it would depend on which players. It might take that many to get just one complete brain.


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