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Tuesday, February 14, 2017

3 man I.T. SPY ring busted in Congress! Maria Bartiromo goes Ballistic.


  1. Thank a liberal. This is why America loves Trump he is a Man with common sense. Liberals are brain dead.

  2. Will we ever find out how much Obama has done to this nation trying his path of destruction? Obama for prison also.

  3. Draining the swamp wont be enough have to burn it down and start over.

  4. BO filled out country and our government with people who want nothing more then to destroy us. Support Trump. He will do the right thing.

  5. Stop with the Obama, blah blah. Lets fix/eradicate the sickness and move on to better things/ideas. Keep bringing up the sickness only keeps us sick. I'm tired of always being sick. The more we talk about him OR Hillary, the sickness continues. YUCK!

    Its day 26...ONLY 26 - we're gonna get this right once and for all. Its just gonna take alittle time/effort!!!

    By the way, Maria has got it goin on!!!!!

  6. The most important part of this video regarding the three traitors/brothers was that they ALL worked for Democrats.

  7. And they were all HIRED by Democrats.

  8. Trump needs to fire every person that bo has hired since he was elected
    Including all those so called Zars too

  9. This tip of the ISIS iceberg in American government has just been noticed!


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