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Wednesday, February 15, 2017

11 NC officers busted in I-95 area drug operation, say investigators

More than a dozen law enforcement officers, including 11 in North Carolina, have been arrested in a government sting that included the FBI, the government announced last week.

WRAL-TV reported on Wednesday that each of the NC officers who were indicted have since confessed, according to prosecutors.

Thomas Walker, the U.S. attorney for the Eastern District, said multiple people were arrested in a major sting of cocaine and heroin operations. Those arrested include five current members of the Northampton County sheriff’s office.

They were charged with trafficking cocaine and heroin up and down the I-95 corridor.



  1. Result of affirmative action hiring practices.

  2. These are not law enforcement members, they're burned out shells who have seen the futility of current drug policy and who decided to make a profit from it.

  3. Heroine would suggest to me they should be charged with attempted murder.

  4. Didn't Mikey work the Carilinas when these guys were getting into the game?

  5. When you lower the standards this is what you get.

  6. I keep telling you....it is NOT Tyrone in the ghetto moving 500 keys of cocaine.
    Its COPS, Senators, corporate leaders, Coast guard commanders, etc.
    People who are NEVER questioned and if they are, flash the badge.
    Got ANY idea how much coke can be stored in the trunk of a 88 caddy?
    Or in the back of a U-Haul truck?
    Wake up.

    1. 6:00 would you like to know? I can tell you and I'm not either one of the ones you mentioned

  7. Just where the hell does I-95 pass through Northampton county?

  8. Great work. Lock them up and throw away the key.

  9. Anonymous said...
    Just where the hell does I-95 pass through Northampton county?

    February 15, 2017 at 6:40 PM

    From Roanoke Rapids to the state line.

  10. nooo cant be..I was told by the commander..theres no bad oficers...just aggressive officers

  11. Always wondered why some deputies have such nice homes/cars/trucks/boats.

  12. Twenty-five years ago I would never have said this, but today I am 180 degrees from my original belief:
    Legalize it.
    Dammit... Just legalize it.
    Let those who want to destroy their lives just go ahead and do it.
    The money, manpower, and crime fighting this war could (and should) be used to support our veterans, our school systems, among other more worthy endeavors.

  13. 1:07. I agree, but only grudgingly.
    Trillions of dollars down the rabbit hole, decade upon decade of government bungling and propaganda, laws written to control a particular population, and millions jailed for what should be either minor or non-offenses, all the while with increases instead of decreases in illicit drug use, unwaveringly point to failure of U.S. drug policies.

    1. The Prohibition Era has taught us nothing.
      As a side note: Kurt Schmoke, the first Black mayor of Baltimore, and maybe the 2nd best one in the modern era, was thoroughly ridiculed in the early 70's for proposing that Marijuana should be legalized. He was WAY ahead of his time. Think of all the money and human resources that would have been saved. (For the record, I'm anti-drug, but we sure ain't winning that war!)

    2. I agree 929pm.....so much wsste of money used to stop drugs.....sentences for drugs are longer than 1st degree murder....big joke..

  14. 12 black 3 white hmmmm


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