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Sunday, January 29, 2017

You Have To Love Their Creativity & Quick Thinking! (I Do) 1-22-17

Yeah so they wouldn't let us in their march so we just ran ahead and got in the front.


  1. I am a white hard working man. I should be marching because I work and pay for someone elses free welfare.

    1. There are plenty of Black, Mexican, Asian, Ect, working PEOPLE paying plenty of white guys free welfare.

    2. Name some..... Come on, don't be shy. Give us some names.

  2. sad that an industry has established itself around this issue the money & politics fused forever. A moral value once again incorrectly dictated by the state. State sponspored killing of future citizens should not be funded or encouraged. It amounts to child abuse. The new pink pussy movement prefers babies on sticks to encourage a sence of inclusion to support the hypocritical insanity. Cant wait to see how we are labeled when we disagree with another soros funded commie group. OH my! you dont support womens rights? YOU ARE A BIGOT! of course i support womens rights snowflake!!! just not the twisted idealogies you support. Better WAKE UP you snowflakes your being used again.

  3. Abortion is murder !

    1. I'm confused. They are fanned for getting abortions and fanned for having a bunch of kids and getting welfare...smh. You can't have it both ways.

    2. Doesn't make sense to me either. Damned if you do and damned if you don't.

  4. 8:50
    Please state the source other than you mind.

  5. Hey 8:50 , you are correct , however the numbers of blacks on welfare is staggering , but that will change in short order when drug testing will begin in order to receive federal and state funds. It's over , the civil uprising has begun ., Trumped out of service .

  6. Liberals not only support the killing of babies (abortion), they are absolutely militant about it. The killing of babies is placed under the shroud of "Women's Reproductive Rights". The left is more concerned with killing babies then job creation, securing our borders, fixing the mess of Obama Care and stopping world wide terrorism. My conclusion : Liberals are Un American. They are actually against America and Americans prospering. It begs the question why? What happened to them along the way to foster so much hate towards their fellow countrymen?

  7. Shouldn't the women take more responsibility for their actions?

    1. 9:33 So if this woman (girl) is raped then she should do what??

    2. Your arguement is .01% of .01% of cases and its a BS question. Women and men should take more responsibilty for their actions. PERIOD.

  8. I find it odd but typical to find out that the organizer of this event is tied to the terror group Hamas...I wonder if the "woman" understood they were marching against women's rights ?

  9. I believe in women's choice. I don't believe in government funding or promotion of women's choice. Each and every woman will ultimately have a lifetime to live with their decision.

  10. If it's a woman's body and she has the right to decide, then why does she feel a need to seek out the father for child support when he had no part in this decision? Shouldn't the financial burden be shouldered solely by her when she decides to have a child in a situation where both made the decision to procreate?

    1. He did have a part. Don't have sex and it won't be a problem, but if you play you pay.

  11. Yeah, we're all for unity, inclusiveness, tolerance, etc until it's different. Liberals are soooooooo hypocritical

  12. 9:54 AM Yes and we do

    10:02 AM He has no part in the decision? He participated in the act. That makes it his lifetime responsibility. You must be one of those spineless men that does not take responsibility for his actions. It was fine to bed her, but when she gets pregnant you run the other way.

  13. 1024 actually I'm a female so your spineless male garbage means nothing to me. If a man has no decision in the actual birth of child or even knows about it until well after the fact, why should he have to bear the financial responsibility? I'm all for women making decisions for their bodies and reproduction but they can't pawn off the responsibility for those decisions simply because she had a kid she could not afford. That's not anyone's fault but her own. It takes two to partake in consensual sex so please, spare me the Dudley Do-Right crap. If a woman has a one-night stand and decides to keep the baby, it's her responsibility. Ah, the take-no-responsibility society we live in. Ain't life grand?

  14. Addendum to 1040 maybe if women realized they would have to bear the financial responsibility for a pregnancy or have to confer with the father before options are forgone, they would take precautions necessary to not get pregnant.

  15. 1039 couldn't the same be said for the woman in the same situation? Women yammer on about wanting equality with a man but are so quick to relinquish equality when it comes to breadwinning. If you want to be equal then be equal. Quit looking for others to bear the responsibility. You want employers to give you extended paid maternity leave as if the employer had any part in the decision at all. When you can't afford formula you expect taxpayers to foot the bill in the form of an EBT card to feed your decision. Then to make matters worse, you seek out a guy you maybe met for fifteen minutes before opening drawers and expect him to pay for his drunken moment for 18 years but YOU think your sole decision should be supported. Equal Rights is Equal Rights. Plain & simple. It's the illogical stuff like this "oh he was complicit too" argument that takes away from equal rights. When I make decisions I pay for them. I don't expect men to fill some financial void. Women who do are owned just like people who want to stay on the government plantation.

  16. I am a woman and agree totally with 10:50 AM.

  17. Like many 60 movement groups, the marches seem to be discombobulated. No one really knowing why they're there. Don't recall Trump ever saying he was doing anything to reverse Roe v. Wade (like that would ever happen) so they're just being railed up for no reason. Yesterday's marches were nothing more than a continuation of a 2-1/2 long temper tantrum because the MSM had them thinking Clinton was going to win. When Trump won, they went through a litany of BS to try to say it wasn't correct. That's what happens when people buy propaganda. They get pretty jacked when they find out it was all a lie. These gals and guys are stuck in the denial phase of grief, nothing more.

  18. In most cases, if someone waited until they could afford a child, they would never have one.

  19. Nothing says respect me as a person more than walking around with a vagina on your head.


  20. Joe here a some of the many Wicomico County Board of Education teachers who refused to let their students watch the Trump Inauguration at Bennett Middle School. Ironically they went to DC to protest the "Pussy Power" March against President Trump. I am an employee and I know for a fact that they did these things.

    They are:

    Karin Miller
    Lorraine Pica
    Joanne Hun
    Rachael Thompson
    and many others. I encourage other people to update the names so that decent parents can know what trash is teaching their children.

    These Haters should be fired. As a tax payer I am offended and Ticked Off and they should be reminded that my taxes go to paying their salaries.

  21. Keep their names out their parents and students need to know who is manipulating their kids.

  22. Way to go! The dubbed the march as not being biased but they proved it was all about the typical liberal agenda that just lost the election. And many partners in this march, like Planned Parenthood, ACLU, MoveOn.org, etc., are funded by Soros. What does that tell you? They are behind the angry mobs and rioting by instigating trouble.

  23. Hey 930 club - "stopping world wide terrorism.." Disagree with that comment. We are only one nation and need to worry about ourselves to heal a bit (or a lot) instead of being the world's police force. Plus, YEARS of being overseas and conflicts has caused TRILLIONS in debt.

    We (USA) needs to recharge first, get ourselves ship-shaped and back on track before we heal the world again.

    Need term limits on CONgress too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  24. I just wish I understood what they want that Trump hasn't said he was for.

  25. Your democrat voting women want Keith Ellison for DNC chairman,he is for Sharia law you know like treating women like dogs.

  26. This sounds strange coming from a conservative, but since it's mostly liberals and certain minorities getting abortions, isn't it counterproductive to prevent them from getting them? Why do we want them to procreate.
    At least encourage free contraception.
    And for all the ultra conservatives, if you are so against abortions, start adopting.

  27. Ever notice the Democrat party the same party responsible for slavery and Jim Crow as well as Segregation is for abortion? More black babies are aborted than any other race and the Democrat build planned parenthood clinics in their neighborhoods.


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