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Thursday, January 05, 2017

Wicomico County Weather Bulletin


  1. Is there a Liberal weather reporting agenda?

  2. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Is there a Liberal weather reporting agenda?

    January 5, 2017 at 8:27 PM

    what the hell does that even mean?

  3. Salisbury will be shut down. no milk in stores, it's the end folks.

  4. This will be another non-event here

  5. Why is it Dan Satterfield always says with all storms, 60 miles one way or the other and the results will be completely different, Is that so he can never be wrong? Fire Dan Satterfield! Hell pay me to gess, I have to be better than him!

  6. Delaware has all their roads pre treated with saline. Maryland will wait until the first 2 inches packs hard so the plows will be ineffective, giving Public Works employees much more overtime!

    Enjoy the snow, MD!

  7. 9:51 Maryland also pretreated their roads, so what's your point.

  8. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    9:51 Maryland also pretreated their roads, so what's your point.

    January 6, 2017 at 4:09 AM

    he made his point. if what you say is true, he is just wrong.


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