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Wednesday, January 11, 2017

White House Spox: Meryl Streep Delivered ‘a Thoughtful Carefully Considered Message’

Publishers Notes: Because the White House staff wrote it.

Monday at the White House daily briefing when asked about Sunday’s Golden Globes remarks by actress Meryl Streep criticizing President-elect Donald Trump, press secretary Josh Earnest said, “She clearly was delivering a thoughtful, carefully considered message that she believes in deeply.”

Earnest said, ‘I haven’t spoken to the president about her speech. I didn’t see her speech but I certainly read about it. It seemed to get plenty of attention. I think what I can say is she clearly was delivering a thoughtful, carefully considered message that she believes in deeply. It seemed to me to be a fairly straight forward excise of her First Amendment rights as a citizen of the United States.”



  1. I'd like to know how they were able to fill that place with so many "Stars", after most of them said they were moving to Canada if Trump became President.

  2. Like I said before , she's a very good actress , false tears and and fake news from her lips .

  3. As an actress , she does acting for $$$$$$$

  4. Can we please throw the baby(streep) out with the bathwater(obama)

  5. She is not worth making a comment.....purrr white privilege or trash.


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