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Monday, January 30, 2017

What's Happening? 1-30-17

What's happening around the area. Let us know the good the bad and the ugly.


  1. "Non-profits" sure have a lot of resources to gang up on taxpayers' representatives :(

  2. More "snowflakes" than normal in Salisbury this morning!!! They were all over the ground...LOL Pittsville Dinette served their BEST breakfast in thirty years this morning....NONE.

  3. Watching soros snowflakes and cnn melt over refugees with crybaby chuck schumaker waaaaaaaaaaahhhhh.

  4. NOT watching CNN, PMSNBC - just waiting to head out for Monday HH!

  5. Looking for Andy Harris!!!! I want to shake that mans hand and give him a big pat on the back!! Good for him to back the ideals of a newly elected President! Way to represent Andy! From a hard working American that voted for the Donald!

  6. The ignorant....yo yo's on here correcting every little error a person makes. It doesn't matter how bad the writing is, we can understand it, so STHU.

  7. Happening out of the area, but President Trump is being bashed on who pays for the wall. I'm sure he will get the boarder secured and has already started, along with Mexico paying. What I would like to "axe" the concerned citizens that "be" worried, what about the monies saved by keeping them out. Look at the benefits they receive like, food stamps, SS, health care, welfare, etc., etc., and the drain on "our" school system. That cost mentioned would cover the wall and we would have some change in our savings account. And for the feel good folk that don't want to seem cold and mean, look up "illegal".

  8. 1:42,I hope pres Trump kicks ass and puts an IRS chief that closes these non profits that are truly political machines disguising themselves.

    1. Al Sharpton arrested by the IRS PLEASE .

  9. A Bomb threat today at Crisfield High School

  10. The good I'm still breathing, the bad the protesters are still breathing, the ugly Dan Satterfield is still on the TV!


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