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Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Verizon and AT&T are losing face with customers, experts say

Customers are losing faith in Verizon and AT&T, according to Brand Index, an analytics and intelligence firm based in London. Consumer surveys and interviews conducted by the company found that both telecommunications giants experienced "significant value perception" declines during the past 30 to 60 days.

"Since Christmas, Verizon Wireless’ consumer value perception moved to its lowest point in at least six years, while AT&T has been declining steadily since early December to fall behind the other three in this key consumer metric," Brand Index CEO Ted Marzilli said last week.

One possible reason - Verizon recently announced that unlimited data customers who use more than 200GB per month will be required to switch to limited data plans by February. If they don't, they'll lose their service.



  1. What about Comcast? They are also one of the most hated companies in america.

    1. Yes! They are the absolute worst!!

  2. I hate verizon. They keep jacking my bill up

  3. Left Verzion a few years ago for a $45/mo unlimited everything plan. Never looked back. Saving more than $100/month on 2 phones.

  4. Who's plan ? 6:25

  5. 7:55 the plan with no reception

  6. Straight talk, works everywhere that my VZ phone did and gets better reception at home than i did with verizon. Did everything online, never had to go to a store or talk to a salesperson.

  7. CAn You Hear Me Now ????

  8. I have Verizon pay as you go for $45/month and 3 gigs

  9. wish Verizon Fios was in OC....something to compete with COMSUCK/SUCKCAST!


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